D.R. Darke

This is some quality snark.

He's going to be Bustopher Jones full time now!

After replacing SCTV reruns which ran for at least 5 or 6 months, which were way better IMO.

Now playing

There is no way his last episode will be 1/100th as entertaining as the opening to Craig Ferguson’s last show. Here’s the proof:

No fucking shit.

At long last, our national nightmare is over.

Reggie Watts named this date for the end of the series on a Comedy Bang Bang episode over two months ago...and I guess nobody picked up on it since then. A testament to how much people are concerned about when we’ll be losing the comedic thrills of Corden’s Late Late Show.

I miss Craigy Ferg.

This is also a reminder that it’s been 8 years since Craig Ferguson (and Geoff the robot) had a nightly talk show.

Whoever designed that set did a great job of accentuating James Corden’s fat stupid head.

Have we learned nothing from Toto?

Of all the people that I would expect to be inclusive it’s Judy Blume.  The woman was making waves before the wave pool was invented.

Geez.  People need to get a life.

Freeman, (along with, it seems, the majority of British journalists “left” and right) is a terf and will go to great lengths to paint anybody she can as "on her side".

I was about to say that’s a shitty thing to do to an 85 year old, to ambush her like that during an interview.

At a point there isn't value in asking people who are pushing 90 what they think about a nearly 60 year old woman who pals around with 30 to 40 year old nazis and does nothing all day but tweet like a 15 year old.  I'm sure Blume isn't anti trans but again, she's 85.  

Pope’s Exorcist might already be a success, since it only cost $18 million to make and has made nearly double that with the international gross counted in.

2 Papal 2 Furious

Good thing ‘The Pope’s Exorcist’ didn’t beat Mario, otherwise, by the AV Club’s logic, we’d soon be drowning in Pope’s exorcist movies, each worse than the last.

I hope the MCU really mangles the “ice-skate uphill” line in the same way Sony did with the “great power, great responsibility” bit in ‘Amazing Spider-Man’.