Would you want Ryan Reynolds to run your studio? (Intentionally stupid question).
Would you want Ryan Reynolds to run your studio? (Intentionally stupid question).
believed that their best strategy to get it was to play on vile stereotypes in order to bring down a Black man in a position of power.”
Do the Witchers also have a Police Call Box to get around in, Nilus...?
Hey, I’m still in the greys, have been for years now.
Oh, yeah—you’re right.
Mods Love Me, answer one question—were you born stupid, or did you just get dropped on your head a lot as a baby?
Ah, Dickless! I was wondering what rock you were hiding under.
Play this for them, fanburner:
My Daddy didn’t hug me, either—but I’m not going to take it out on a Greta Gerwig comedy starring Margot Robbie. Or any comedy starring Margot Robbie.
Obviously, make Ken the HERO!
As J. Devin Stone, YouTube’s Legal Eagle, keeps reminding us, “The burden of proof in a criminal case is ‘Beyond a Reasonable Doubt’ (in both the U.S. and U.K.), whereas the burden of proof in a civil case is ‘Based on a Preponderance of the Evidence’ or, as they say in the U.K. ‘Based on a Balance of Probabilities’.”
Every time I see a huge NYC apartment I remember the LAW & ORDER episode about a murder in a rent-controlled Prewar apartment on the Upper West Side with six huge rooms and a view of the Hudson, and how everybody in the cast contrived to find a reason to wander through the apartment saying, “$860 a month, huh? That a…
No, because nobody wants a “hit” that plays to empty theaters just because some Trump Nazi moron (sorry—”moran”) like you desires it....
Did you live in India at some point, bfred?
That’s what I was coming to say, Snooder87!
That’s why they don’t feel safe unless they can carry assault rifles around to shoot anybody who scares them—which is pretty much everybody not a Male Protestant Evangelical.
I wish that an actor I used to like would stop claiming that “elites” (by which he seems to mean Jews) drink children’s blood.
That’s right—and did Donald Trump win in a landslide in your reality...?
Right Wingers believing any shit False Noize tells them discovering the Left was correct all along and they’re just a bunch of easily-led suckers....
“Sexual Bully” sounds about right when referring to Spacey.