D.R. Darke

Good for her!

Just look at Zack Snyder!

Tommy Tallarico had a full pack of Necco Wafers, then?

Because if there’s one thing we can count on Christopher Nolan for, it’s a modest assessment of his talents as a filmmaker.

They convinced me to cancel my HBO MAX subscription before I started getting charged to help make those shows exist.

He was on AMERICAN HORROR STORY as the writeup said, and the Magic Mike movies as well. He was also the star of USA Network’s series WHITE COLLAR, as Negative Man on the DC Universe series DOOM PATROL, and has done a lot of voiceover work for the DCAU.

Jack Nicholson had been acting in movies and television for half a decade by then—mostly for Roger Corman, but he’d also done a bit of episodic TV work as well.

Yes, but what made that scene great was Weir cutting to the asshole Ford’s John Book punched out bleeding profusely from his nose and mouth, thus making the point that what Book did was far worse than harassing a bunch of Amish because he committed a violent act against another human.

Reynolds was, and to tie it back to one of the regular commenter, so was Nathan Fillion in a supporting role.

A number of future stars in early roles, for one thing.

We’re not sure what Titus (or the filmmakers) were actually smoking, but this obnoxious, offensive, supporting character should have been left on the cutting-room floor.

the new owners said they were going to revive the theater, which had three screens in its previous incarnation, and turn it into a single stage performance venue. To me, this is a mistake.

There are (or were, pre-Covid) neighborhood theaters—my ex-wife and I saw The Force Awakens in one. They switched to digital projectors and the tickets were $2.50 each, and they had popcorn, soda, hot dogs and a lot of homemade concessions like cookies and marshmallow treats. 

Netflix still has a DVD arm—you have to pay extra for it, but it exists and it’s still stocked with a lot of weird shit you just can’t get on streaming.

We rented Bollywood movies for a long time at the Indian market near our house, until I realized how many of them were heavy-compressed dub jobs. 

She wanted fame and fortune, and she’s gotten that beyond her wildest dreams—and kept her looks while doing it!

She embraced being a diva about a decade ago, Evil Lincoln.

No, the satin tights she wears on her thighs are shiny.

I think the point was that every Hollywood movie mogul was a complete SoB.

1776 is not a very good movie, if I’m honest—it’s faithful to the stage play, but that’s part of the problem. It feels like a stage play with largely the original stage cast, directed to act like they were performing in front of an audience instead of the camera.