D.R. Darke

No, because taping back a White person’s eyes to make them look “Asian” is AC-TING!!!!


It’s The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, dirtside!

“I told [Boyle], ‘It’s interesting you only have one Asian in the whole thing; that you think in the future it’s still the Russians and the Americans,’” she remembers. “[Boyle and screenwriter Alex Garland] were quick to recognize the opportunity, and so we ended up with such a diverse cast. Benedict Wong, Hiroyuki

No, better—the mob war happens in the background as they just read Mickey Spillane to each other for two hours!

The utter hypocrisy of you Right Wingers attacking the “uncivil” Left would be hilarious if so many people didn’t give you a LOT more oxygen than you deserve.

Or if you’re a raging Trump Nazi.

Aubrey Plaza smiling so doesn’t look like Aubrey Plaza.

Nazi Germany—that is, in fact, the example philosopher Karl Popper used in 1945 when he first articulated The Paradox of Tolerance (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance ).

But is it “censorship” if a university decides not to have a borderline-illiterate Right Wing agent provacateur as a guest to speak to students? Because they claim it’s not “censorship” if they decide to not have a Leftist with a Doctorate speak there! It is, they say, simply a matter of having so many hours in a day

Robert A. Heinlein had the right of it when he had a judge in The Star Beast hand an anti-alien crackpot a soapbox and say, “Here is your platform, and the park is right outside. Feel free to exercise your right of free speech out there to your heart’s content....”

He’s only “Objective” when it suits him.

better to have visibility on the “enemy” about to spit in your face than be blind to one about to stab you in the back.

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British educator/writer James Burke did two series showing how things we use/are used to today are connected to historical inventions and events—CONNECTIONS (the first series was great, but subsequent ones suffer from The Law of Diminishing Returns) and THE DAY THE UNIVERSE CHANGED.

So do I, rezzyk.

You mean like ::cough!:: America’s Second Worst President, George W. Bush? ::cough!::

Can we cancel Jim Davis for crimes against humor?

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And no, it’s not incumbent on me to go find the video. If a news site, even a shitty one, is going to report something, they need to back it up.

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I think it’s natural to wonder why a man would say “white people should avoid black people” in 2023.

Maybe Natasha Richardson had a premonition the films would end up sucking?