Wow, I can’t wait for the day when the world judges YOU the way you judge others, ScottyEnn!
Wow, I can’t wait for the day when the world judges YOU the way you judge others, ScottyEnn!
Because you’re such a paragon yourself, judging Alan Moore from your Cheetos-encrusted keyboard, ScottyEnn?
I was with you until you praised Zack Snyder’s take on WATCHMEN. I have never seen a movie so perfectly imitate the surfaces of a comic, and utterly miss its spirit.
; verily, nothing says “embrace of peace” like giving the world’s vast and aggressive military powers exactly what they want.
And Herschell Gordon Lewis Descendeth from the Heavens, and He Saith to All Who Could Hear in a Voice like the Earth’s Loudest Kazoo, “Awesome scene, man!”
Yes—how would you feel if I came up to your squalling brat of a child and slapped him/her for it? You’d probably be screaming for the cops!
I’m guessing it’s possible Green was a Profoundly Gifted child, given what he’s done as an adult.
I did when I was seven—I didn’t always use them correctly, but I knew them.
Hey, fuck you for abusing children!
Somebody should’ve fucked up Bill Murray a LOT to teach him a lesson, clearly.
Sorry, if you want Donald Trump, he’s in Florida, Snowflake.
I’m fine with Perkins’s politics, and I felt he actually watched the show rather than skimmed through it later for bits.
Oh, thank you!
Also, and I said this already—it would just make Chappelle dig in his heels more. He’s already shown the world how thin-skinned and defensive he gets when he’s called on his shit—a lot like Trump in that way, a comparison I’m sure really pisses him off!
I remember something Raylan Givens said to Dickie Bennett, “Let’s get back to that part where you read....”
I’m going to assume that’s sarcasm.
(No reconsiderations or re-evaluations of his full-throated defense of his old pal Dave Chappelle, though.)
I miss living in Toronto and I’ve only been there a few times for Ad Astra SF con!