Wow, you remind me of what my ex-wife used to say about Dudes discussing feminism in the light of anti-choice laws and decisions and equal pay laws — “Why complain? You won the war! You’re just cashing in now!”
Wow, you remind me of what my ex-wife used to say about Dudes discussing feminism in the light of anti-choice laws and decisions and equal pay laws — “Why complain? You won the war! You’re just cashing in now!”
Kind of the opposite, actually—he mocks, rather viciously, the “I’m a comedian! It’s my job to be confronting!” mindset that the transphobic down-punchers are so in love with.
Well, I’m in!
No, he wouldn’t be, CookingWithCranston — Carlin didn’t punch down.
You don’t know that, do you?
Or an outright transphobic rant from a bigot.
So, Bond is a Vulcan now?
“Oh, Pierre! You shouldn’t have come...!”
I loved THE DEFENDERS right up to the final two episodes when everything went WTF?!?!? All I can remember of the finale was a subway tunnel under a building collapsing as Daredevil and Elektra simultaneously fought and made out....
I wonder if the super-powers come from a period in the late Sixties/early Seventies when Archie and Reggie were Captain Pureheart and Captain Evilheart — except they dropped Reggie as a villain pretty quickly and he became closer to a super-powered antihero to Archie’s clean-cut All-American Superman analogue as they…
Yeah, but you can join Peacock for free if you don’t mind ads.
I would have thought Netflix would at least try working with Cronenberg...?
You forgot Terminator, Aliens, The Road Warrior, The Godfather and The Godfather, Part II and Robocop. So that’s six more — well, five if you count both parts of The Godfather as one movie (and you should).
Why can’t Tom Sawyer, U.S. Secret Service Agent be a LXG character? He’s as much a part of that culture as Quatermain, Harker, Jekyll or Nemo.
Honestly, I quite liked The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and didn’t think Secret Service Agent Tom Sawyer was a bad addition — in fact, as a Victorian Era Men Adventurer he fits right in. I knew, once they cast Sean Connery as Allan Quatermain, that Moore’s conception of him as a pathetic dipsomaniac was going…
as if American audiences aren’t dying to see Alan Quatermain, an iconic hero they’ve never heard of
Ya know, screw the effects!
Why, so he can sue his son for excessive separation anxiety?
Which is why Spielberg almost never showed it. The few shots we got were really quick and shot so the limitations made the shark look like it was some undead hostile being rather than a really big hungry fish.