Yeah, That Was Cheap & Easy....
Yeah, That Was Cheap & Easy....
What kind of creepy minds would come up with that?
Harlan Ellison punches his way out of the grave to say, “Fuck, yes you can, you hydrocephalic recto-cranially inverted mole person!”
Yes to Kilmer and Clooney — but Bale’s Batman and Bruce Wayne were really good, as well.
To be ZackSnyder!, of all people?
That’s a pity, because I really liked Affleck’s Batman and Bruce Wayne a lot, especially once he got away from Snyder’s “I’m a God and I Can Kill Whoever I Want!” bullshit.
He talks about that meme in the interview, and how every actor and director he knows hits that point somewhere in the press junket — but he’s the one who gets to explain to his kids why it looks like Daddy’s ready to cut his wrists!
As Affleck said about John Woo’s Paycheck? “I wanted to demand my money back — then I remembered I was in it!”
Yes, that was a surprisingly powerful movie — all the better because you waited for Widmark to go all racist and he never did, he just didn’t like having civilians on his boat.
First Actor of Color to win for Best Actor (of either gender).
So was Robert Culp, until...he wasn’t, suddenly.
We all have our crosses to bear — Ghost Dad was one of his.
Vale, Sidney Portier.
He did it willingly because Somebody Had To, and he was the person best placed for the job.
I’m looking at one-bedroom apartments in the nicer parts of Jersey City, and the cheapest I can get away with is $2,000/mo. and I need to have a six-figure income to even consider moving in.
Um — George Smiley?
Has Kinberg ever gone seriously overbudget or run seriously late on a movie? If not, he’s exactly the kind of director Hollywood is comfortable with — a modestly-talented hack who brings his movies in on time and on/under budget.
Further to that, BlueKamikazeDefiant? I applied for writing gigs at A Major Online Pop Culture Site But Not This One right before Christmas, and I got back an e-mail saying, “We’d love for you to work for us — we pay $20/article, or as much as $50 for a 3,000-word feature!”
Exactly, Drew! That’s even if you think you won’t be sending your staff home for weeks or months on end as the latest COVID-19 variant mutates among the unvaccinated/unmasked hordes so we all have to wear biohazard suits just to go grocery shopping.
OTOH, I bet Roger Corman is delighted to be considered a Producer on The Last Picture Show!