D.R. Darke

At least Chris Pratt can leave his Jesus-Freak at the door.

No, Corden comes off like a garbage human being, and he brings out the worst in people — as he did Patrick Stewart in that exchange above.

And sometimes, people are just hateful twerps who deserve the beatdowns they get, like James Corden.

Well, he was a straight man playing a gay character like an offensively flaming caricature in The Prom (so, yes he was part of the problem with that!), and I take issue with him being called “fine” in Into the Woods.

They made 75K, now they want to make their stretch goal of 150K so they’re one of the top petitions on change.org. (https://chng.it/JP4FVyHJLJ ).

The Dunwich Horror is great thanks to designer Daniel Haller directing it, and getting psychedelic in that Op Art way that is oh so Sixties Mod.

You did - and I quote:

Well, at least Hanks has Colin as well as...DJ Whitebread Hazy or whatever he calls himself.

So, Fit Kit Harrington is joining the fray!

I’m one of those Boomers, but I’m not really the target audience...because I’m mere months away from Medicare, and spending $10 - $25 to see something I can see on television if I wait a few months doesn’t always sound like a great value proposition to me, not when I can buy the Blu-Ray for $25 and watch it all the

Let’s see about DCEU’s “style”:

I saw it b/c - I could, and I liked it overall. It’s a borderline 4 out of 5 for me, but I liked the whole group hero cast, I thought Chloe Zhao brought her eye for landscapes to a MCU movie, and I honestly found it easier to sit all the way through without a bathroom break than I did NO TIME TO DIE. (NOTE TO BROCCOLI

Well, if Mac Culkin would just give in the allure of Pork & Sauerkraut Soup with Potatoes, that wouldn’t be an issue....

Do you think sometimes Martin Sheen looks at his sons and asks, “Where did I go wrong...?”

Now playing

Outside of Marvel comics fans, most people didn’t know about Iron Man, Black Widow, Ant-Man, The Wasp, or The Red Witch either. There were some Saturday morning or afternoon cartoon shows that lasted a year or to, but they didn’t have a deep cultural imprint.

Macauley Culkin’s done a number of appearances on Red Letter Media — he shows up so often that I half-wonder why they don’t just hire him as a regular (except then he’d have to move to Milwaukee!).

I saw it tonight in IMAX and — I’m wondering WTF everybody’s problem is. It’s beautifully-shot, the cast is diverse (including a loving, openly-gay relationship for one of the Eternals, his husband and son), the premise has a bit more depth than usual, and if the ending gets a bit crashy-bangy, that fits given the


I’ve watched both ST:D and ST:PICARD — It’s Alex Kurtzman.

Eww — no!