D.R. Darke

Not a bit of it, Janet, as Edward Bulwer-Lytton and Elinor Glyn can attest!

It was my Mom’s, too — along with Harold Robbins and Frank Yerby. Both are pretty much forgotten now (Spock’s comic reference to Robbins as one of the “Giants of 20th Century Literature” aside!), but Robbins was the one of the most successful novelists of the 1950s through the 1980s, and from the 1940s-1970s Frank

Exactly, Soylent Green.

Zack Snyder!

They really did, Harry Dean Learner.

You could be Sidney Sheldon, whose claims to fame are I DREAM OF JEANNIE and a handful of beach read bestsellers.

Usually not even that much! In the middle of the night, you’re lucky to get $60....

I did the one time I was robbed at a 7/11 — and yeah, I was surprised they told me to give my statement to the cops, then lock up for the night, too!

Yes, but we’re not talking about them — we’re talking about the assholes who willfully refuse to get vaccinated.

We could put them on a reservation, and give the Native Americans already there their houses and jobs, because they’re not dumb enough not to get the jab!

I see Mr. Gotcha just entered the discussion....

Even better, ArtistAtLarge.

That’s what USA Network’s “Blue Skies” initiative promised — comfort food series television. At the time, they did it so well you wondered why these shows were on USA rather than NBC itself, which was floundering with its hour-long dramas not called “LAW & ORDER: SOMETHING OR ANOTHER”.

Yeah, I was going to say! The CIA’s hands are dirty as you can get — except they always get a pass because they’re a “Government Agency” rather than a “Terrorist Group”.

Sadly, Mozzie’s no longer with us...

Now Catherine Bell is The Good Witch (https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/good-witch/cast/catherine-bell) on Hallmark — a long-running series, which was finally cancelled this year, where she plays a still-gorgeous middle-aged single mom who falls in love with, and eventually marries, the hunky town sheriff PI doctor.

Kind of like The Knights of Badassdom — a really fun movie we only caught by accident because it was slow night and we went, “Maybe it’ll be okay...?”

Close -- only with a jibroni, you clean the ice WITH YOUR FACE!

Exactly — they both need to either make up, or to just be silent about it.

I kind of hope several acts who were going to attend and are vaccinated change their minds because they don’t want to be a superspreader event.