You do realize it’s Marvel’s B-list that are the most interesting — probably because since Marvel never gave much of a shit about them, the writers could get creative.
You do realize it’s Marvel’s B-list that are the most interesting — probably because since Marvel never gave much of a shit about them, the writers could get creative.
Not entirely, because the DCEU has good actors as well — unfortunately, they also have Zack Snyder to justifiably blame for why it all went off the rails so horribly. It’s not just that I really don’t like Synder that I say that, but that his sole audience seems to be basement-dwelling wannabe Edgelords....
My kids think it’s a paradise, haha
Is that the one where Chiba’s Japanese Christian turns Satanist in the first scene, after seeing his family and congregation murdered by Shogunate forces?
Yeah, and it’s worse that he was One More Casualty of COVID-19.
Which is something Scorsese used to know all about, but seems to have disappeared up his own asshole the last few decades.
That’s because even before all this came out, there was the distinct whiff of “I hired the best man for the hosting gig — me!”
And he’d done a lot of work in Canada before coming to the US — everything from late night newsreader to drive-time radio host, including some stints as a game show host.
Oh, yeah, PhonyPope!
“Timothy Hutton? I wouldn’t work with him, we used to be married!”
You’re all just a bunch of loose screws.
And here I thought that was just Zack Snyder and his utter lack of talent.
Must really sting to have that much contempt for somebody who won an Oscar when you never did....
Given her reputation?
Really? Kilmer’s attitude was infamous — he’s the one actor who drove Oliver Stone to flipping out, rather than the other way around!
That’s exactly what I thought, too!
No, but the movie might not have been as successful! Geena Davis was Dottie in ways Debra Winger couldn’t hope to match....