I daresay Capcom needs a new Marketing VP. They made the excellent Zack and Wiki for the Wii and then comaplained about the sales...WHEN THEY BARELY ADVERTISED. Same goes for the marketing people behind Okami Wii.
@ShadowOdin: Lisa needs braces!
@Megaman LXIX: Strange, I thought the first FFCC was really great! Everyone had a GBA by then and they only had to spend about $10 to get the GBA-to-GC link. Only one person had to really spend the cash for the one main game. I would have to say that FFCC was probably one of the best co-op games of all time! It had…
This game is going to be so disappointing for me. Bring me back the glory days of FFCC's Epic co-op multiplayer...
This is probably one of the only lists I really agree on.
N64 fell down the stair twice, dropped countless times, sat on, thrown, etc...N64 has to be made out of some plastic yet undiscovered by Non-Nintendo insiders.
@ninja_warrior: You must be new. If there is a counting question you will know...YOU WILL KNOW!
@davebg5: Maybe when they say "Video Game System Bundles" they mean systems that come with extra games and not the normal console package?
Probably some Guild Wars for the Halloween event, then back to studying for Physics. =/
@Tomo: If you read my post correctly you would notice that I dont really have an intrest in the t-shirt. Rather, an intrest in finding little tricks to things. Read carefully.
@shadowth: Congrats! I spelled crono wrong! I spelled it as chrono! DOH.
@FMAngel: I did...man! I alwasy mess these things up! GRRR
Who won?
Even though I didn't win a t-shirt (probably didn't) I always like these contests with "scavenger hunts" and "race to email" themes. These contests always make me try to think of ways of having an edge/advantage twaords the contest and always finding little tricks is what makes it fun.
@Dr.Chocobo: After the jump? It wasn't after the jump. It displayed on the front page, Mr. Ashcraft.
Good Morning, Chrono!
They need a "Zombies ate my neighbors" remake PRONTO.
Ouch, maybe that's why E3 said it would be back to the glory days?
@Dr.Chocobo: AHHH i screwed it up