Dr. Nemmo

Why don't they give us anothe ouple of seasons of Flash,or the hilarious Justice League by Giffen-DeMatteis?

Good luck if your identity is stolen.

@Kiri Komori: Yup, i know. But i thought that most people wouldn't know the difference between atom and molecule.

Probably they will give it a lot of non medical uses.

As the pirates answer back with blinding, faster than sound bullets.

@ninjagin: You've come a long way, baby.

@Andrea Glidden: yes, they have no bananas today. They have string beans and onions, cabbages and scallions and all kinds of fruit and say - they have an old fashioned tomahto, a Long Island potahto, but yes - they have no bananas today.

@Nitesh2: You haven't tried papaya sweets, jam and nectar. YUM !

I must stockpile bananas to sell at higher prices ! BUY ! BUY !

I loved the rubsigns in my transformers. Find out if Bumblebee is an autobot or a decepticon!


@Akitsu: I absolutely agree. It will happen. The question is just when will it happen.

@wade2462: You are the true pineapple of politeness.

I've been working as a psychiatrist these last ten years and i had only two patients with crackpot theories. One wanted to use "the power of water vapour" to run vehicles and clean the atmosphere. He had been sending blueprints and letters to the government for years.

@Jamen Tyler Lang: Are you trying to make Santa more badass than He is now ?