Dr. Nemmo

@searching with my good eye closed: Yes, it clearly follows the aesthetics of The Incredibles, but i think that should be more a compliment rather than a complaint.

@John Eusebio: Probably decrypting the human DNA code tops it. Kudos to Watson and Crick.

Oh, come to Chile, then. We specialize in mining.

I still don't understand how people can side with the RIAA. "Ooooooh, it's illegal, he had it coming !". It's illegal only because a bunch of rich people asked some other rich people to pass a law to sod poor people.

@The K Gee19: Ehrm, I know that everyone doesn't smoke marijuana. But i also know good people who does, and in no way it harms what they do at work or personal life.

@MightyJoe36: I, for one, welcome fully naked airplane trips.

I'm not against full body scans (i'm very proud of my well toned body - okay, i'm probably exagerating, i'm a Gizmodo reader), but i'm siding with the pilot in this one.

@Saboth: When someone WANTS to fire you, any pathetic excuse is good.

@thinkthis: I think he was speaking about Futurama.

@jimbox13: The author explains it at the youtube page of the video. He used Adobe After Effects.

@Robusto68: Did you mean "Communication WAS succesful"?

@fyngyrz: Absolutely, what crime do i have to commit ?

@donlphi: I love that First Words app. I'd seriously recommend it to everyone who has a child and an iPad.

Everything is education, as long as it is guided.

@CSquared: Good thing it's in Switzerland !

@hawkeye18: If i clap rhtymically, would you square dance automatically ?