Dr. Nemmo

Who cares?

My router can broadcast four different SSIDs. They are named "Surveillance Cameras", "POLICE", "Security" and "Federal". They are all encrypted and i've probably caused some slight cases of paranoia in my neighbourhood.

@D.mobile: @alwayslost01: You just need to frame it to call it art. Yeah, even a turd.

Having all this stuff makes me want less, not more. Some people are idiotically romanticizing the lack of communication of the eighties, without realizing that without internet or computers we wouldn't be even commenting this picture.

I've had three Roombas since first generation, and the product is always better than the last time. It's almost a new roomba every two years and it's money well spent.

*THIS* is why we still love Atari more than 25 years later. It showed us a different world, and that's why we'll always remember the brand fondly.

It's a big iPod! It's not a real computer! It lacks a keyboard! It's too small to read comics! Soylent Green is made of people! Etc.

My take: a multitrack recording interface.

From Rorschach diary: Lovely girl. Huge wall of text following that. Something about a new TV set, i think.

Just add water.

@helixjo1: Sigh. I need someone to explain me why then is my iPad useful to me. I must be doing something wrong.

@FiskFisk33: Analogue colours. Shenanigans. Tomfoolery.

@AlleyCat: Indeed. Coal mining is not sustainable these days in Chile.

@Software_Goddess: Ah, not really. I didn't want to upset you, it's just that ... well... you left your comment there, waiting for the obvious answer :)

Well, ain't that nice? I'd expect a little more memory though. 16 GB is what the basic iPad offers... Everything else is a winner.

I'm now applying vaseline to my cellphone.

@phiyuku: Probably because it's a bad idea to handle katanas to convicted criminals.

@funchefchick: Will the biker be labeled as the first video cockblocker in history?