Dr. Nemmo

@Paradise: Again, it's not hate that propels this conflict. It's money. When both parties find a way to make money together, the problem will be solved in a blink.

16 Gb WiFi Ipad: $300.

I don't know if Liquidmetal has inherently magical properties. However it has the ability of getting people speaking about it and how wonderful Apple products will be from now on.

@PunkRockMachine: Awesome. Can't wait until it's 1989 and i breakup with my girlfriend and not the other way around.

@Martin Webster: Oh, sorry, i can't see them because my iPad has no flash. :smug:

@zimbabwaenquadrillionare: "It's all about the money, baby". Basically what we see here is a gigantic cockfight (not in the aviarian sense, though) between Adobe and Apple for money. Apple is telling Adobe: if you want to be able to access my platform, you need to work and create new software that works with

@HK-47: That's so gay.

@medopal: It's easy. You buy them a good, flashy notebook. Or an ipod loaded with bejeweled 2.

This is wonderful! They could have made a tree that produces oilfruit and it wouldn't be so awesome.

This is a wonderful idea, both retro and clever.

@tekdemon: Actually, no. The knowledge is there, lurking, prowling, ready to jump on its prey.

I studied medicine from 1991 to 1998. I had to carry several books on my backpack: Gray's Anatomy, Yokochi, Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, copybooks, facsimiles and human bones.

@Mekklesack: Probably Megatron would have clicked on this link and then hastily would have yelled a "Decepticons, retreat" order.

@NanSage: -walks to the arctic circle to write "dorks".

@whmr: You never had a car, hadn't you?

I'm sticking a huge number 5 on my iPhone 4. Then i'll show it around the office to the girls.

I don't know... It's like... Magic, mixed with science.

Death by 32" Full HD LCD TV at 65 feet.