
No, this one is funny.

I really expected there to be a copy of Beauty and the Beast in with those VHS tapes. I just figured Gaddafi would have dug those huge old school Disney VHS cases. They're probably just videos of him in different disco tyrant outfits.

Does anyone know if any retailer has any stock left of the Touchpad at the $99 price point? There were rumblings of Best Buy getting restocked, but I haven't heard anything further on that.

Again...thanks for the head's up, Walt. I understand blogs vs. news, but I also read a tech blog to hear opinions on mobile phones, computers, or silly Japanese robots, not politics. Engadget does tech news just fine, but I do enjoy myself some Gizmodo now and again because of their opinions...on tech subjects. I

Walt, I guess since it's a blog they don't have to be professional. These people probably pretend to be journalists, so one might imagine they could try just a little bit harder and actually try and write TECH NEWS without a political slant.

True, I didn't read it. The ridiculous and juvenile title was enough for me.

It's a tech site, knock off the political shit. The woman has no shot at being elected President, and probably couldn't run an Arby's, so why waste your time on this?

The answer to India's overpopulation = faster trains

Any service that allows me to rid myself of my mother in-law and obnoxious work people without causing a riot is absolutely for me.

This post is awesome. + 1

I always wondered if, upon entry in to a secret club of uber-douches and meat-heads, you're issued ridiculous tank tops with American flags and other shapes filled in with stars and stripes.

The Guy Kawasaki pic made me lol.

"Apple has finally recognized that their App Store content subscription policy was total bullshit"

HA! This guy made a joke about baseball being boring! Comedy gold right there.

It appears that we've violated the Prime Directive.

Hot Pockets...

He really must be in bad shape to take a leave now. With the iPad 2 allegedly being a complete redesign with big "under the hood" upgrades I am a little surprised that Steve would take this play off.

@Arken: How noble of you.

My desk has an iMac, keyboard, mouse, iPhone, and an old 6" boxing trophy won by my deceased grandfather.