
Doesn’t Texas has a power grid issue? Where would they get the power for these station? And what source of power would they use to generate the required electricity? Oil?

Maybe even put them on a separate road so they don’t interfere with regular traffic? Better yet, make that some sort of a track so they don’t have to worry about steering. And link a bunch of them together, so you only need one in front pulling the whole thing.

It’s also a bad look for GoFundMe to be facilitating the funding of these Nazi Terrorists.

It was never a protest. It was a Nazi rally organized by white supremacists from the beginning.

Why do you insist on calling people who wave Nazi flags ‘protesters’?

We have our own little Y’all Qaeda cell up here now.

Boneless wings belong on the kids menu. They are just crappy nuggets.

The residents of BC won’t be on-board. I’m pretty sure that the Wexit crowd included BC because even they understood the insanity of land-locking themselves. Hard to ship oil to the world market when there’s a sovereign nation between you and the ocean.

Yes, this! Remove boneless from this article...they aren’t wings, they’re tender/nugget mashups that shouldn’t be part of the discussion at all.

Boneless wings are just upscale nuggets.

I feel like if you’re coming from a place of wanting to use a fork to eat wings, your opinion is already suspect.

No good solution to this.

I love the right wingers in the comments. They just ignore the vast majority of the articles on Jalopnik and are obsessed with commenting how the site is too “woke.” This story is inherently political. If you don’t like it go read literally any other article.

Absolutely bring in the military. Remove all illegally parked vehicles, arrest anyone who interferes. Be prepared to back it up with force, because these people have gotten their way for so long that they think they can’t be stopped, and will absolutely continue until they are.

Just tell the Mounties the truckers are blocking a pipeline.  Problem solved.

Bring in the military & arrest them all.

“In 1776 Canadians were loyal subjects of England. The English colonies in Canada did not join the Revolutionaries’ cause back then the Queen of England was considered the sovereign of the country.”

As a totally mean-spirited response to this? At the end of the day, Canadian, American and all other right winger anti-vaxxers are committing the single biggest instance of self-owning imaginable. Here in the goodle’ US of A, 2500 people are dying. Every single day. At this point almost all of them are unvaccinated

Thank you... came here for this and disappointed that Torch did not reference this directly. Obviously if we get the ISS we can use it as a staging area for the moon salvage, just makes sense.

Andy Griffith was ahead of his time, man!