
Payday candy bars. The original “meal replacement” bar. Protein and carbs (OK, lots of carbs...)

No...If he has enough money to fly Business Class and he threw a hissy fit over a f-ing meal choice, he’s definitely one of the “new, Trump-style Republicans.”

How do I get a t-shirt like Steve’s ?! Perfect.

If your boss gives you an easy task but sets a deadline for the following week, are you likely to get the work done seven days early?

That last slide is spot-on. Buc-ee’s FTW! Consistently the best road trip rest and refresh yourself spots anywhere. 

We can fly little remote helicopters on Mars, but we can’t keep the Texas power grid up. That’s because scientists run the Mars missions, and Republicans run Texas...

That maple old fashioned sounds good. Definitely trying! 

We also have a hard time believing that Governor Abbott actually cares about low-income Texans, but that’s a different discussion for a different day.

Went to their Santa Fe installation two years ago with my teenaged daughter during a Spring Break trip and it was a huge amount of fun! Highly recommended if you like SF/Fantasy + modern art and have a good imagination. 

There was a restaurant in downtown Austin, TX when I was a kid called the Piccadilly Cafeteria that served a great breakfast. They always floured their bacon and it was delicious. But how they did it remains a mystery. My Mom tried for years to re-create their floured bacon and freakishly soft, luxurious scrambled

My Mom used to make rumaki and it was delicious. Very “1950-60's” sort of hors d’oeuvre.

In order of importance:

OK, I can play that “conservatives supposedly care about spending cuts” game. Let’s start with one of the largest, if not the largest, categories: military spending.

Suburban North Dallas here. The official car is a big*, lifted 4WD pickup all kitted out for off-road, but also completely shiny & spotless - as it’s only ever used by a single driver going over the speed limit and driving aggressively on the Dallas North Tollway. So a “Bro-Dozer” basically.

My brother-in-law bought a passenger version last year. It’s their road-trip car, and he often camps in it when he’s driving long distances by himself.

You want me to change seats ? Offer me a better one, not a crappier one...

Airline seats, at least in coach, should not be able to recline. The seat backs should be set to a reasonable angle and locked in to place. When you recline, you’re taking away space that *I* paid for...

The “Ogre” cybertank from the adaptation of the legendary tabletop wargame from Steve Jackson Games. It’s avail on Steam:

The Ranger was a good choice to represent the whole “small pickup” thing back in the day. The orig. Toyota Pickup, like my old 1985 model (first vehicle I purchased new), is another example.

Partly that’s because reproductive health has been unnecessarily politicized here...