
We have some of these. They’re kinda heavy, bulky, and inflexible (weird for what they’re made of, I know). But they do the job as advertised and are fairly easy to clean, too. I’d recommend them, but just be aware of the “bulky” part esp. when packing your lunch/snacks.  

We have some of these. They’re kinda heavy, bulky, and inflexible (weird for what they’re made of, I know). But they

I firmly believe that lossy compression schemes like MP3 or AAC at 256-320kbps sound just fine for the vast majority of listeners. Esp. when played over the sort of headphones most normal humans can afford (even good ones at the “high end” of that price range like the Audio-Technica ATH-M50, Sennheiser 58x, etc...)

Your sibling blog Jalopnik had a commenter on the “best food to eat in the car on a road trip” suggest the McD’s two cheeseburger meal. Yeah, the orig McD’s cheeseburger is nothing special, but as the commenter noted, it’s basically a human food pellet. Easy to deal with in the car (esp. if you order with light

Fun fact about how big Texas really is...

Alton Brown would disagree with you. Suggest interested readers look for his Good Eats video about grapefruit. He goes into how the taste receptors on your tongue work to achieve this effect.

Thanks, that was interesting and useful info. I’ve been sort of OS-agnostic for phones the last 9-10 years, and have moved back and forth between Android and iOS. I’m on iOS these days as that’s preferred by my wife and kids, and I don’t want to be tech support for multiple platforms. But devices like the new Pixel 5a

This is the only correct answer 😆. (and blood sausage is fantastic, and a necessary part of a Full English)

The mention of the LG phone in the slide deck being stuck on Android 10 illustrates one of my biggest complaints about Android phones. Except for Google’s own Pixel phones, vendors cut off OS updates really quickly.

Did you read the article ? The Beats, an Apple-owned brand, are half the price of Airpod Pros. And for its capability, an M1-based Macbook Air is a pretty good deal, if you need macOS (or just a decent Unix laptop with the possibility of professional support).

The used / refurb laptop, iPad, and Chromebook suggestions are pretty low cost. What’s your point ? How to buy a junk PC at Goodwill and revive it with a low resource Linux distro ? (that’s not gonna work for a lot of people)

On that VW air-cooled engine, can confirm it’s fixable with baling wire as well.

A cop or a 2nd Amend. worshipper. 

My comment was more aimed at the ridiculous “drive <somewhere> 85 miles at a time” type comments I’m seeing throughout the comment threads.

I really am OK with this, tho’ I’d probably leave out the apple pie filling and all the sugar. And I’d rather hang out with Guy than 90% of the people I see on the Food Network.

Does no one on this site realize that car transport services exist ? Or hell, a large-ish pickup truck with an appropriate trailer ?

Maybe she’s realized the err of her conservative ways......

I’d be right there with you if children under 12 could be vaccinated. But until this is only a “virus of the ignorant,” I’ll save some sympathy for the innocent people these assholes infect.

As long as the “no sex” thing is OK with both partners, sure (or at least isn’t a deal breaker, as seems to be true from your description). But if one spouse is in the “nope, no more sex ever, I’m no longer interested” camp, then I think it’s time to consider ending that marriage.

I’m with you, and have seen a few van build-outs with internal framing made from 80/20 aluminum, with thin wood or bamboo panels just for the cabinet sides. Looks good, and properly assembled 80/20 is quite strong. Like “doing pull-ups on your overhead cabinet frames” strong.

Diffie, actually. And I’m only correcting you because he was a cousin of mine, God rest his soul. Comment definitely deserves a star.