
But is that a metric fuck ton, or the Olde Engish fvck ton ? 😆

What brand of pizza dough did you use ? Like the one that comes in the long cardboard tube ?

Another vote for Combos. Also, for some reason I never eat Zero candy bars except on a road trip...

I know I’m gonna get flack from the “it’s not a real truck!” crowd, but if you’re in the mid-30s to 40K range, I’d be much more tempted by the Honda Ridgeline. Same sort of unibody construction, better payload and towing, and the Hondas all come with AWD. The base Maverick is a great value proposition, however (if it…

Bit late for this trip, but folks contemplating camping in a Suburban might check out this company in Idaho:

LOL. Fair point...

As someone who has worked with electronics in the past, please be careful with large capacitors. They can hold a dangerous amount of current. If you know how to handle them, how to install/uninstall them...great. But this isn’t a “beginner’s skill level” repair. 

With actual horrible people out there having full-throated access to the “public bullhorn” it seems kind of, I dunno, “petty” to dump on Teigen. 

Even “We should all aspire to a certain field or even a certain job title...” is way too much for a large number of people. I suspect that a job is just a job for the vast majority of real people. Just try to get one that doesn’t suck too much and has decent co-workers. Find your fulfillment outside of work.

I’m from Texas, tho’ not in the congressman’s district. Let me assure you that it isn’t a good idea to dismiss “drooling simpleton” out of hand when speaking about Rep. Gohmert.

LOL. I assume they mean “onyx” 

Pray tell, how does the Tacoma “suck” ? Is it unreliable ? Prone to break-downs ? Does it perform its intended function poorly in comparison to its legitimate competitors ? (Nissan Frontier, etc...not the F150).

Stop Being Weird About Kate Winslet’s Any Woman’s Body.

Want some umami ? Try this stuff:

Far be it for me to doubt the combined wisdom of Jacques Pepin AND Claire Lower!

Easy. Don’t use duct tape, use gaffer’s tape. Sticks like crazy, but removes w/o any residue. I’ve seen it used on drywall w/o damaging the surface.

It’s conservative/MAGAt speak for anyone who respects & cares about people who are not exactly like them.

The main reason I basically ignored Country music for decades. The Ken Burns documentary reminded me that Country used to not be a Rightwing, MAGA-type hellhole (at least some of it).

But the Ken Burns thing is totally worth it, even if you have to spend several evenings watching it in bits & pieces. I actually rediscovered a love for (parts of) Country music after seeing the whole thing.

Yep, same here.