
Damn, the job market is just over all weird as f*ck these days. Even positions for experienced people are loaded up with unrealistic requirements for the pay being offered. And it seems like every employer wants to go the contract-to-hire “kick the tires for 6-12 months before you buy” route.

Not discounting your personal experience at all, but that falls in the category of anecdotal evidence. I’m pushing back on this because I have a college-level background in Human Development and had to endure two semesters of Statistical Analysis and Experimental Design at the graduate level. There’s simply no valid

To add some add’l info, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) is indeed a non-profit org. But it reports to the state legislature and was created by Texas state gov’t. And who runs the state legislature ? The Texas Republican Party. Same party the governor is a member of, who is complaining about ERCOT...

Northern suburbs of Dallas: Power went out 3:30AM Mon., was out for 18 hrs. Got one hour of electricity, then out again. Tue. morning at sunrise it was 0°F at my house. Power on and off throughout the day. Don’t think any house water pipes froze. Today, Wed., we’re getting about 3-4 hrs of power with 45-60 min

You see, that’s a textbook example of ageism. Treating people you consider “too old” to all behave a certain way because of their age, and not individual factors. It’s exactly the same as saying “most black people / women / LGBT people / Muslims / etc... behave in a certain way because of their

Anyone who’s got one of these know if there’s a Netflix and a Youtube app for them ? I watch stuff there as well as on Amazon Prime.

Anyone who’s got one of these know if there’s a Netflix and a Youtube app for them ? I watch stuff there as well as

That’s why you want something like Axis Security’s Application Access Cloud vs. a chokepoint like a traditional VPN. (no, I don’t work there, just a fan of the solution)

Nice ageism there. I’m over 50 and could wait to go back into the office until, well, forever. Experienced workers aren’t necessarily averse to, or unknowledgeable about, WFH technology. And they often have the...wait for it...experience to function effectively on their own.

Texan here. Seen a lot of ranch trucks. Can confirm.

I’m 100% with Ferguson. Sure, mock the powerful, the politicians, the corporate “elite”. But you’re not cool and edgy when you rag on people having a hard time. Leave vulnerable people the f*ck alone.

There are good responses here for people you care about that might be angry. But you’re missing a whole category: Angry people whom you are not invested in.

We’ve owned an Odyssey since 2009 (a 2009 and a 2014). Great family haulers and awesome road trip vehicles. That being said we won’t be buying another in a few years as they’re way too damn pricey now. 

It’s a concept beloved by people that we in Texas like to refer to as “All hat, no cattle.”

Ran down here to say this, and Curves beats me too it 😁 So yeah, what she said! “Don’t die alone” is a poor excuse for getting into a relationship...

100% this. Not buying from a mfg’s own “factory refurbished” stock is just asking for trouble. Apple being the best example of where to go. An Apple refurb might as well be brand new.

1. Put on your damn seatbelt. Even if you’re in the back seat. Car ain’t movin’ until you do.

Yep. She was the voice actress for the character “Magnolia” who was the singer in The Third Rail bar in the area of downtown Boston called Goodneighbor. She also sang five songs for the character which are well-worth hanging around The Third Rail to listen to...

“Loved” the entitled woman with her cell phone standing right on the edge of the curb and her bad attitude about moving the f*ck out of the way. 🙄 🤬

This salt is usually alum - a hydrated double sulfate salt of aluminum. Not the sodium chloride we have as table salt. Works great for me, except in the dead heat of a Texas Summer.