
Family friends of our run a local HVAC service company. They won’t buy anything except a Chevy Express. Apparently these things are real tanks...

I guess that’s mostly a “thing” in the UK, yes ? I’ve never understood the weirdness around redheads there. Is it because there are lots of redheaded people in Ireland ?

Coups thrive off a sense of public uncertainty

Yep, or at least sporting events are another major category of “we shouldn’t be gathering in large groups” things.

Treating people differently (read “worse’) because of their weight or their age are really the two kinds of bigotry that are still pretty much socially acceptable here in the U.S. If it isn’t fat jokes, it’s disparaging remarks about “the olds”.

Agree, and I’ll add that my sense is Trump voters could care less about any of the deplorable things you mentioned. They’re just bigoted, selfish “gimme what I want! NOW!” types.

Ahhh, the old “economic” argument conservatives are always parading around. To translate into regular English, this amounts to “I want <fill in the blank*>, so people should be made to accommodate my wishes no matter the risk to themselves. As long as I end up OK, that’s all that matters.” Money trumps public health.

For the orig Airpods, any ideas for keeping them in your ears ? That shape reminds me of the Earpods, which often feel quite loose in my ears. I could buy the Airpods Pro model with their silicone tips, but I’m not keen on spending that much...

For the orig Airpods, any ideas for keeping them in your ears ? That shape reminds me of the Earpods, which often

They have some pretty nice coffee beans at Costco (in larger bags, too) if you have a membership...

I kind of get it, but in a way it’s a sort of backwards reasoning.

If you “sense” a ghostly presence, know that it’s your brain doing the things human brains evolved to do. Brains are hardwired to notice certain things and assign increased importance to them. But that doesn’t mean your conscious thoughts interpreting that are right. There are no ghosts.

And “girl in picture” has cotton denim jeans, which are some of the worst pants to wear in cold, esp. wet, weather. Wear wool or an insulating synthetic in the snow for heaven’s sake!

Thanks for supplying actual data in a reasonable way vs. just jumping into personal insults like little Jimmy above. It’s fine to just have good discussions about stuff, yes ?

After the baseless, no supporting data supplied orig comment of “Its legitimately terrible for you.” ? Yes. Yes I am. And if it irritates someone like you, so much the better. 🖕

Last time I looked, you could still buy a full body Chevy Express / GMC Savana cargo or passenger van.

Everything in moderation. Including, at times, moderation itself. 

Goat chili! I can dig it. My Mom and Step-dad used to live in Brady, TX - an area of the state where they raise lots of goats. Every year around Labor Day they have a Barbeque Goat Cook-Off in the city park. 

H.A.M.’s instructions are perfect. It’s the homemade version of the Wick Fowler’s 2 Alarm Chili mix I suggested in a previous article. And yes, if you’ve got a decent spice rack and the fresh ingredients around - go for it!

(You can buy seven pounds at a time at a restaurant supply store, which is the amount A.A. Newton gave me for my birthday.)

“...early 00's Ford F150 personified...”