
“Damn Americans, coming here and taking our jabs”

There’s 195 countries, churro. Dude’s gonna be dumb as a Trump by the time it’s over.

Somebody had to be the 1 in Glass Joe’s 1-99.

Danny Garcia’s heritage is Puerto Rican, and Vargas is Mexican. Looks like maybe the next boxer to knock out Salka would be from Haiti. Pretty much any country Trump shits on should send a boxer to beat this guy’s ass.

You’re not the first to suggest that...

At Rod Salka FordLincolnMazda I guarantee you credit approval or I’ll eat my hat! Rod Salka FordLincolnMazda, you’re not a customer, you’re family!

It was nice of Vargas to put him to sleep so Salka could understand what Dreamers feel like.

Yep, it’s also the perfect name for a crappy Ford dealership with terrible local commercials.

I am not suggesting we replace democracy with a system of government that makes decisions based on physical combat but I’m also not not suggesting that at this point in our history.

He should have stuck with fencing.

I once had a case or rod salka. I soaked my foot in epsom salt for two weeks...then beat it with a dead cat. Went away after a few hookers.

This is exactly the problem. If Trump had been elected sooner, it would have been an American whipping Salka’s ass.

Rod Salka is the exact kind of name a tomato can like him should have.

42k miles and needed a valve cover gasket? Yikes

Hear, hear.

Huh. I feel like “me too - Acura” sums them up in so many ways.

lol, “Multiple dozens of miles”

I’m disappointed but not surprised that Patrick would publish a five minute video of Raph mansplaining. 

I don’t trust anyone from Northern California on matters of pronunciation.