This comment is just painful to read for a Bills fan.... :(
This comment is just painful to read for a Bills fan.... :(
Tax cuts.. remember? They solve everything.
My girlfriend has a car that she bought new in 2012 or late 2011 with a 78 month loan, I think (1.9% or something low, I think)... Just rolled past 105,000 miles, another year or so to go on the loan. It’ll make it to 120k before she pays it off, but she plans on driving it until it is no longer reliable enough for…
Car dealerships and banks even being able to offer loans like that is just unconscionable. Extending more and more debt to people that shouldn’t have it is just putting them into a deeper hole and not teaching them that they NEED to be better with their money. I know that a good portion of it is “well, I need…
There’s a lot of truth to most of this. Engineering, especially mechanical, is SUCH a broad degree that allows you to enter so many different fields. For example, my brother (older, same degree, same university) did co-ops (paid internships) for a gun manufacturer, a children’s toy manufacturer, and an auto parts…
The reborn Charger... Would have LOVED a manual in that... Especially in the V8 AWD version that has since been killed off. Or any version of it, honestly. I really want a full size sedan with 3 pedals...
To be fair, I’ve gotten this and BuzzFeed confused before, only looking for lists and not reading the garbage (insightful good stuff in paragraphs) at the beginning.
I knew people with enough paranoia about the banks taking their 401k’s (which they kind of did), and CEO’s raiding pensions, etc., etc., - relatively run of the mill stuff, but when they found Fox News, it all became about the liberal snowflakes that are too soft to stand up for anything other than their own stupid…
This league is so freaking ridiculous... Unbelievably inconsistent calls on penalties (see elite players *cough cough* CROSBY *cough cough* multiple slashes on players and not getting called for it, then mediocre players being suspended multiple games for questionably bad hits) along with blatant disregard for player…
I was that way when I bought my first brand new car... 2500 miles later, some impatient so-and-so pulled directly into the side of it, trying to get in front of the guy behind me when we were leaving the parking lot of an NFL game... Haven’t cared since then. From here on out, I’m temped to put a small scratch…
I have a similar “someone did something worse” story.
NY has that somewhat-new “move over” rule - where you MUST move over a lane or at least make an attempt to slow down and give an officer that already has someone pulled over some extra space... I got pulled over doing 71 in a 65, with tinted windows, and a license plate bulb connection that had shaken loose and wasn’t…
Sabres, because... well, we need all the help we can get...
Seems important to have one on hand at any time... for, you know, the odd Rich Peverley or Clint Malarchuk event...
Probably in the same sort of racket that these guys are in...
Do the guys from that tire shop know the guys from this repair shop?
Had a guy play leapfrog with me for a good 30 miles from the southtowns of Buffalo into the city... in a minivan... with his (I assume... and I hope...) teenage son in the passenger seat... I was maintaining a consistent 75, he came up behind me, passed, then slowed down. Then I went by him, and the same thing…