
@Brian Wright: ooh, you keep citing Obama & Co's expenditures like that and someone, cough*blyan-reloaded*cough might call you an extremist or something else - anything to redirect the issue; maybe introduce Bush, interject 'Class Warfare', ooh! ooh! OR, wait for it ... the 'Race Card'!!! ooooh, this should be good.

@CaptMoose: Two words, CM; "Term Limits"

@CodeJanitor: Twas the Community Organizer in Cheif who recently described those who disagree with him, as his "enemy".

@blyan-reloaded wrote: "The sooner the American people come to terms with that, the better." <= And that's exactly what's going on right now - unfortunately, ANY dissent to the current 2-party system labels you as some kind of extremist; or are you OK with dissent as long as it comes with a Liberal slant?

@CaptMoose: How about; "(I) "will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House website for five days."?

@blyan-reloaded: While I agree that neither the President or congress have explicit control over a free economy, they do through taxes, penalties, incentives, etc, have the ability to facilitate or hinder commerce and the economy - ask Fred & Fannie, GM, and the banking industry...

@Saboth: "There are lies, damned lies and statistics. I can manipulate your numbers any which way I want."

@blyan-reloaded: Ahh, I see. So we should fuck the 83% of American people who were are already satisfied in order to appease the 16% who have either chosen not to carry it as many young healthy adults do, or choose not to take advantage of existing public health care programs like Medicare/Medicaid?

@kaffeen: Sorry Charlie - looks like the only ones staying home today is gonna be's those Obama voters waiting for they Gubment handouts. ;-)

@blyan-reloaded: You do realize that ONLY 16% of the population was *Dissatisfied* with the quality of the health care they received and that ONLY 23% were *Dissatisfied* with their existing Health Care coverage?

Are people honestly crapping their diapers over .83¢ a month?! Less than one dollar a muhfucking MONTH?!! I wipe my ass with a dollar! If putting out LESS than ONE DOLLAR A MONTH is going to break your bank, then you need to get the hell outta your parent's house and get a damn JAY OH BEE!

@harshalizee: Uhuh - because I'm sure Microsoft has yet to hear about Sony's PSN.

@dowingba: Just because Sony has to give its service away in an ignorant move to garner market share or due to a lack of public participation is no reason for another company that provides a better product should make said product available for use without fair compensation - and given the ROI, I don't think the cost

@CosmicElement: Because the content is so crappy that they have to give it away?

@businessbard: "Name one other popular/mainstream consumer product that hasn't gone up in price in the last 8 years - that wasn't fvcking overpriced to begin with?"

@Hvedhrungr: You're problem seems to be less related to the dragonflies and more to reading comprehension, or lack thereof.