@RJackson: And I've lost respect for you. How you like them apples?
@RJackson: And I've lost respect for you. How you like them apples?
@alienshards: depends on one's definition of 'civilized', because i don't have any problems with it either.
Wiki has Tocco da Casauria w/ a population of just 2,824 peeps in 2007. I wonder how many windmills in total it takes to power that many peeps, and where in the hell would you place the required number of 'mills to cover a *real* city, you know, the ones where alt energy is really needed?
@tyler.derden: And how do you avoid a horrible death? Don't be born, yo.
@ZINO: "Not to mentioned the man inherited an economic disaster."
Not to mention the same cat also provides the voice of 'Rico' the upchucking grunting penguin from the 3D Nick' cartoon, 'The Penguins of Madagascar'. Was watching it with my kid and they ran a 'Voice of' snippet of John DiMaggio mentioning the Gears and Futurama connections.
@Badlands99: "The only evidence of greed I see here is by those consumers who think they should get something for nothing."
@badmoon: And there are any number of after-market products from diff manufacturers with which to remove those limiters.
So are all the 'Holier than thous' saying I can't purchase a 4cyl car, find that it actually has 6cyl, and then access those extra 2cyl through found and or purchased aftermarket products?
Rather have a Holga;
@medopal: Sorry, pal, but amlamarra is only expressing what the majority of Americans feel about Islam but are unwilling to - either due to the current fad of Political Correctness that's only compounded the issue, or out of fear for their safety. Can you say, "cartoonists", "South Park", or "Nick Berg"?
@Jason: Awesome, totally awesome.
Puh-leeze! As if there aren't already enough obnoxious freaking tards playing CoD; now Activision are actively bringing in Losers willing to plonk down money on an over-priced hipster wannabe Bear Grylls Lesbo-mobile?
@Mike Zuniga is a Photographer Apparently: But that's damn near a given, man. I mean, the practical special effects in 'Team America' looked more realistic than the over-blown CGI diarrhea spewing from Lucas' ass ever did.
@SaifnSound: That sure is a lot of typing just to say, "I'm too stupid to use the still available X360 controller."
@realityengine: Umm, yea - "real" creepy to focus on the half-nekkid cute chick; feel free to stare at the overly excited dudes.
LAWLZ at chubby big-nosed Spiderman.
@data_enabler: You might want to keep that to yerself - it's pretty lame.
@Communist Pope: A simple "Yes" would suffice. F'tard.