
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Person of Interest
The 100
The Last Man on Earth

I generically am as well, which was why my hoping it was that instead of Juliette spoke volumes… :)

I was hoping against hope that it was a "Starchild-esque" reveal with Diana, rather than a non-quite-dead Juliette… which should tell you all you need to know about that… :p

Agreed. While it had been telegraphed since the premiere, I was hoping it was a misdirect and the consequences for her very, very bad acts would actually stick…

This episode was the first time where something went off in my head that said "Huh… maybe Miranda and Liam are doing it together?"

Earth-2 Oliver was dead though… :(

His face was the best. I was also cackling from it…

Apologies for missing the crossover episodes (I was traveling for work), but there wasn't much on the Zoom-front there as it was all Front-Door Pilot time…

No, not in that sense, but they require maintenance for the lights to be on — which is what I think Mike will see; the lights at the Malibu compound since everything around it will be dark.

I've said repeatedly, I think the solar panels are the Chekhov's Gun in this scenario and he'll note it from space and touchdown in the ocean next to them…


Man, I forgot… AND "Terry is terrified!!!!!!"

"And Hitchcock and Scully… I assume you're here for some unrelated injury…"
"That's correct!"

Ya, I was trying to think of a "cop-related name" for Ava and was blanking…

Not for nothing, but "The Universe is a very small place when I'm angry with you" may be my second-favorite Doctor line from Capaldi, right behind "Do you think that I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?"

Not included yet, since we haven't really seen E1-Wally thus far so it's unclear if it's a cameo thing, etc. I mean, we only have the one Jay Garrick and Jessie Quick so far too, so just trying to play the odds.

First of all: massive kudos to the few of you who had predicted for a while now that the whole "Who shot Annalise?" thing was all Annalise's idea. I've seen it a lot of times and it seemed a bridge too far even for *this* show. As Kevin Spacey / Lex Luthor would say: "WRONG!"

For me, it's a bit of both. I mean, the Muppets have never been perfect — Kermit's always been a manipulator, Piggy an overbearing diva, etc. — but even within that, they weren't thoroughly awful people, and always — as someone else pointed out — seemed to showcase the BEST of showbiz, rather than the WORST of it


So, my betting pool from last week with some comments from therein and the "surprise" return of Henry Allen to remind us of who he is (for some reason?) and a sufficiently creeptastic "imitation" of Earth-1 Eobard Thawne / Harrison Wells by Earth-2 Harry adjusts some of the rankings…