
That had to suck for Michael. Stuck. Then stuck.

I get that but what I, and the reviewer, were confused on possibly is he seemed to get caught in that jump and black out again AFTER he'd already started the conversation.

Wow, just when I was totally on-board with the former President for standing up for his former convictions after hunger striking and believing in Clarke ending their rule and that she may be merciful… he goes and dicks it up with pragmatism that his son never had.

See… and I realize this is a bit of /tinfoilhat but I'm not sure of that.

So, I realize that trying to assign any sort of logical basis for terrain may or may not be an exercise in futility, but given the prominence of Ton DC and Mount Weather — and their actual locations — just some thoughts on the City of Lights.

I know. If you had told me halfway through S1: "Hey, did you know that Kane would end up being the most reasonable person on this Ark?"

It was very Helix-esque, which of course made me think the episode will be craaaaaaaaaaazy! :D

The CTO said he developed it. I took it at face value that this was yet just "another evil that people do" scenario and Decima was taking advantage at the end since it was useful.

She's certainly not going to be a part of a nuclear family any more…

Well, I more meant in the "bungle their way into a solution that works for humans and kills immortals." They're too stupid to succeed on its face…

IS the implication that they fail though or is that something we're assuming because of "audience expectation?"

The one that threw me off was Snow White; considering that pegs the flashback to a specific 10 day period (Dec 21 - Dec 31, 1937) where the movie was only playing in one theater. :p

That is the part that literally made me just start uncontrollably sobbing.

Should we have a betting pool over where Lexa's spirit will migrate to once she's gone, after that anvil-icious speech to Clarke?

Places like that STILL exist, by the way… ;) Maybe not with landladies as strict, but I dated a girl in one about five years ago and I was not allowed past the lobby — there's just no curfew in the modern age.

Just as a note, places like this still exist. I dated a girl about five years ago who lived in one, though obviously in modern times men just aren't allowed past the lobby, but there's no curfew for the women.

Omundson was slaying it this week for me (I mean, he does most weeks… but this one in particular!).

This show is amazing and that episode was even more amazing. I'm also one of those people who really enjoyed "Cause and Effect" from ST:TNG, so this was no surprise but the episode title makes so, SO much more sense now.

So one thing I've been thinking about in regards to The Machine acknowledging it can't win against Samaritan, and I don't think I've seen it posted here (though I may have missed it)…

Yep, with you. Loved the episode, loved the Cold War, loved the message and the creepiness of Samaritan wanting to meet with The Machine just to tell it "I'm coming for you and you can't stop me, you can only choose who you want to take down with you" — just the little kid avatar didn't work for me, even with the