
If you see a comment about car fucking its probably him.

*"I'm afraid I can't do that Lars"

Great idea, we could use that at Boston Pizza and Mr.Lube.

Holy shit, that's too accurate.

"After School Special" I didn't get that vibe at all from this movie, whens the last time O'Neal watched this?

That gimmick will last as long as New Coke.

Motown Oregon back again/bringin some hipster trends/we started a website and here we are fuckin it up just for youuu

I subscribed to that Marvel Unlimited thing(mostly to see whats worth buying).What are some essential Marvel titles,arcs,runs,etc?

The Asian guy giving St Clair the scrolls was a little weird.

I'm guessing you're talking about Leno?

I never watch anymore but did they start using flash animation?

So you were the one viewer?

Nowadays that sounds very threatening.

Ugh he has a logo on the back of the comic, a globe that says "Millarworld".

I bought a copy of Jupiter's legacy's first issue but the more I look at it the more I hate the art style.No more Jupiter's Legacy for me.

Yeah it took me about 10 minutes to read volume 1 today. Luckily I have Deadpool and The Wake to catch up on.

Unrelated but I just read Sweet Tooth Vol 1, this might be a new obsession.

I'd give each episode this season so far an A-, already liking it more than season 6.


No, Gucci Mane.