
Hommell. Just look at this Berlinette. Mid-engined and under 1000kg.

Childhood me would agree after spending years drooling over the W8 in car magazines. I'm not sure if we can call them dead but I do love their awful website.

Sadly if they used that ignition switch again some idiot will probably bump it and cause another recall. Seems like anyone is looking for an excuse to find an ignition flaw now.

I voted "no" before seeing this video. Now I'd change my vote, that thing is the bees knees.

True, but it sounds like they could waste a lot of time and money in court. I can still see the need to quickly patent new technologies being very high on their priority list.

Good point, but I imagine that any new advancements will still have to be aggressively patented by Tesla just to keep them available to any other manufacturer.

He's not actually removing the patents like you state in your first paragraph, correct? They're just not going to go after anyone using their technology? If he actually didn't patent his new technologies wouldn't that just allow some other greedy company to swoop in and legally block them for themselves?

Considering the way people park in Seattle this is a damn good feature.

That's the thing, those wires are not hot when the airbag system is off. Airbags not deploying when the ignition is off is why GM is having to answer for all their problems.

That was my point, the comment from the staff was about how the airbags popped. These clearly didn't.

Most airbags are on rolamite sensors with a speed sensor overseeing the whole airbag system. No impact causing rapid deceleration, they don't pop. These clearly didn't

How could the airbags pop if the car wasn't on and moving? It doesn't look like they deployed, the fabric just looks like it was pulled out of its housing. Part of the side curtain is still pinched together.

I have a hard time calling an absolute on this. I find several manufacturers referring to their AWD cars as 4WD all the time. This seems to be mostly Japanese though.

Can you explain the "schedule automatic starting" feature you mentioned with phone integration? When would this ever be needed, wouldn't anyone just use the remote start before they are ready to leave and not schedule a time to meet the car already running?

If you are buying gasoline with detergent already added, you're not getting much if anything. That bottle right there is Techron which is already in Chevron fuel. Most major fuel brands have their own additive and are quite proud of that in their advertising.

I wondered about that for a second as well, but they are just stacked alternating front and back. That's just the rear with the outer red lens missing.

At my old high school a troubled kid tried to burn down the school by sneaking in one night with a fuel can and matches. Fortunately for the school, he used diesel fuel which of course didn't burn too well. The only damage was a broken window and some slightly browned spots on the hallway floors.

I'm guessing yours is a '12, my '11 stickered for the high 31 range and didn't even come with a watch.

No kidding, some of these I can't believe are actually still in business. I love how often there are numerous cop cars at the premises.

Yes! I love my simple interior with large gauges, no outdated navigation screen and easy three knob heater controls.