
Mazda is good at applying their design language in a recognizable way that still works with vastly different cars. We own two Mazdas because we love the cars so much.

I'm not saying their whole lineup is interesting, they need those safe models to make money to experiment in other segments.

No, I love the Juke for not only looking different but actually being fun to drive. I support Nissan taking some risks and not making an entire lineup of appliances.

That's actually quite interesting, thanks for the counterpoint.

I'd like to be wrong for the sake of any owners around here, but I've heard from a couple dealerships and many Jalops around here to the contrary. My stepfather's trans ate it after a few thousand miles and he was quite gentle.

Good luck to you, and I do agree that the v6 provided some pretty good power.

Sounds like you've been lucky. I've heard way too many bad things and the last one I had experience with decided second gear is where it was staying.

That sound does things to me. I actually get chills.

How did the transmission hold up in your Grand Prix? I'm guessing not well.

Very true, I feel that way about a lot of American cars from certain eras. They run really crappy for far longer than they should continue living.

It did kind of turn out to be a best beater story, but still the worst car I've owned which I guess means I've been fortunate.

I haven't measured my fuel consumption but it certainly doesn't seem that bad. Maybe I just don't want to know.

I really want a second older Miata because I'm far too in love with mine. Far more than a man should be....

I'm not a fan of how it drives either. Seriously, this thing is all kinds of soft and squishy on the road, quite a change from my Miata.

She's going to be super pissed when she gets her hair tangled up in one of those rollers.

I still have this Explorer, it was purchased for $1000 as a winter beater and something to use when we just don't want to worry about our well-loved cars.

I rented a 2012 Altima in Hawaii and had fun hooning around in it. I did find an odd behavior though. When you perform a full emergency stop by planting the pedal and letting the ABS sort it out, the steering column collapses into the dashboard. I ended up doing this a lot for laughs.

The Fit is recommended by almost everyone (up until this point) for many good reasons. The car just makes sense and can justify the slightly higher cost in its segment.

It's all relative. It didn't really perform this badly until they used the new small offset test. It is still safer than any car I could have recommended them a few years ago.