Downed Star

Could you swap on the Mondeo fascia/headlights/etc then? Because the Mondeo looks a little nicer than the Contour.

I would accept your point if we hadn’t already seen instances where it’s possible for hackers to remotely gain control of certain parts of current production vehicles, such as brakes. He’s right, security is often a low priority for companies because it costs money and it’s not a feature that helps you sell your

Even ignoring that patriotism is childish bullshit, there’s a drastic difference between Bush and Trump. Signing up now is signing up in service of a government on the fast track to fascism. If you pay more than lip service to the ideals of the US, then there’s a good case forming right now that enlisting is one of

The Olds diesel 350 IS great... as the basis for a high power gas 350. The blocks are interchangeable with the gas version but are quite a bit stronger. Not that many people are building souped up small block Oldsmobiles any more. But still!

The Electoral College makes sure their votes don’t matter, though. Or, at least not as much as votes in Wyoming.

Yeah, I’m re-reading that and not seeing a problem. Hillary won NY, so his vote didn’t matter, and he felt that none of the options represented him. The Democrats should stop trying to be the “lesser evil” party and maybe people on the left who feel ambivalent (at best) about them would come around to them.

When cops tell people to “stop resisting”, it’s pretty much the same thing as Stan’s uncles on South Park saying “it’s coming right for us” before shooting an animal.

Ah fuck. I didn’t see this and just replied to someone else with the same damn pic. Oops.

Yeah, most soccer shirts don’t look too bad with ads. And the CFL has had very small ads on their jerseys for a while now (but thankfully not on the jerseys the public buys.) I’m a bit more worried about jersey ads coming to the NHL, because European teams have really let shit get out of hand. These guys look more

I’ll believe it when I see it. In the meantime, I’m more worried about Trump’s cult of personality being used both to rally support and distract from awful policies. It’s a pretty central element of a fascist government and a trick boring ol’ Pence probably couldn’t swing the way Trump does.

I hate to break it to you, but they’re getting away with it either way.

This used to be my way of thinking too, but I’ve come around. Yes, I’d rather have Pence. He’s obviously getting everything he wants anyway, so at the very least, he’d be unable to hide it behind the distractions provided by Trump’s tantrums.

The Republican Party shifted politically to align with those super-right-wingers. It’s absolutely fair to assume even those Repiblicans who claim not to share those values actually do. There’s no gun to their heads, forcing them to accept the party as is and vote for them regardless of what happens. There’s no

I’m curious how this theory holds up in the face of Canadians. More progressive and less violent than Americans on average, but with an overwhelming love of hockey, a wildly violent sport.

Before 1986, it was simply a custom. Good things could have happened, but they didn’t because people had respect for the social order. The NGCHTB Act merely made law of what was accepted social practice. You might wonder why this was necessary. Well, there were people at the time who started wondering “what if

RIP that car’s interior :(

Snow on the ground is the least of your concerns driving an open-air vehicle in winter.

Sometimes I feel homesick when I’m gone for a while too. Then I get home and have to put up with a 2-3 week stretch where it never gets warmer than -20 (before windchill) and I remember why I hate this place. Being able to skate on an outdoor rink is nice sometimes but I’d trade it in a heartbeat to be able to go

I live in a place where winter starts in mid-October and goes until late-April. Heavy snowfall in May is not an uncommon occurence. Hearing someone complain about 9 months of sunshine makes me want to kill. Depression is no joke, but no one in San Diego should ever have the weather in their list of complaints.