
You must not come here often.

Agreed, I always just end up scrolling back up to the photo.

Is Utopia available to watch anywhere in the US? Everyone keeps raving about it!

Not to mention she basically has her own show within the show this season. I keep wondering how they’re going to integrate her arch into the rest of the show.

Ugh that just made me cry - the internet can do good things sometimes!

Yeah but now how many teenagers are going to go out and try to get lip fillers?

Has anyone skipped the whole walking down the aisle/wedding party thing entirely? I’ve always thought that part was kind of cheesy and I really just want it to be the two of us up there, but not sure how it would work.

If you’re talking about ‘Torn”, you can watch the video since it’s a totally different song!

Ugh I love Living Proof but it is SO expensive.

You can also tell which story is Dirt bag by the bolded names in the description.

Thanks, I just contacted them!

This sounds great, my insurance also forces me to use a mail order pharmacy to fill my prescription so hopefully they will take this! Thank you!!

Ugh, Alabama Shakes are so amazing. I almost cried when I saw them live.

Wrong but thanks for playing.

My insurance is still charging me for the nuva ring. I appealed, sending in copies of the ACA with the relevant sections highlighted, and it was still denied. They just INCREASED my copay to $60 a month, too. I am so furious but I don’t know what to do now.

That chair has a little hat!

Ahhh same! I thought I was the only one! I sometimes actually feel repulsed when I look at her, which is so crazy because I know rationally that she is not a hideous looking person.

Pictures please!!

Amazing! Where did you get this?

You must have the best best friends.