
No just no trying to kill yourself does not make something g life threatening. Being in prison sucks it’s supposed to suck it is a punishment and sexual reassignment surgery is not life or death. Suicide is bad and I am 100 percent for equal trans rights but not free surgery for inmates that’s ridiculous. At this

Great. Now, let’s see how many female inmates demand sex reassignment surgery and a transfer to the men’s unit.

I’m betting we can check back in 20 years and that number will still be zero.

Nightgowns, scarves, and necklaces are necessary items in a prison?

Would anybody be mad if she died on the operating table? I fell like that’s as close to a win-win as we can get.

Oh, for god’s sake, can we knock it off with the hyperbole?

I’m liberal as hell and am mad at this bullshit. Do the wrong things in life and get what you want, at the expense of our taxes, that’s the lesson here. I need my state to rewrite its prison policy so that unless it’s life threatening, prisoners don’t get any surgery. There are so many law abiding people looking for

GREAT now what the fuck is our government going to do now that we have determined a foreign party hijacked our election?

According to this report that you feel is infallible, I am in fact a professional Russian psyops agent. Are you wrong or is the report wrong?

It is funny how quickly the commentors turn on you for showing just a tiny bit of self-awareness.

I literally just told you other equally likely reasons, based on the amount of evidence presented.

Some reasons not to present any evidence:

Clinton is the reason Trump got elected. Let that sink in a bit. Now is she still the awesome person you think she is? It’s her fucking fault as well as the DNC’s. Not the Russians, not middle America... hers.

A very important discussion, you are dismissive of the legitimate due process issues at stake in these cases.


I have no “ire” and this sounds like someone around her floating a trial balloon.

With all due respect Senator Clinton...

and I think he can still play good tennis. Let’s face it, there are a lot of average players out there. Getting to the 4th round or quarters shouldn’t be a problem. We’ll see.

Why not?

I am against book banning, except for the books that I would like to see banned.

That’s like saying “I’m generally pro-free speech, but I am okay with banning this really offensive speech.” Free speech is to protect the speech you hate just as much as the speech you love. If we find reasons to ban one book, we’ll find them to ban all the others. (However, I would be okay selling books with