
The one you linked has an automatic, and “engine noise” that might be the “harmonic balancer”....crack pipe.

Now playing

Is it weird that I want a Delorean? And like, not because of Back to the Future, or to make a time machine replica, but to actually have as a car?

I’ve never seen so many dead hookers in all my life!

must.... flip.... bezel......

That’s not a lady, that’s Matt Hardigree.

“Ran When Parked”

ZR1. I've heard of them going for under $20,000.

Ahem, maybe if I wasn’t doomed to the grays, you could have gotten to the bottom of this sooner:

It was a bit more than that. It had cargo space inside the bedwalls, a builtin locking bedcover, and the ability to haul longer items if needed. More useful than an SUV if you only needed 5 seats. Great idea, but lost in translation with all the hideous plastic cladding.

An Amazon rests for rain. Rather than the Amazon rainForRest.

errybody owns supercars in Vancouver... Lambo don’t need no garage. F1 might get a door.

Toyota goes to the game but leaves 5 minutes before it ends to beat the traffic.


I’m going to go against the grain a little bit. I like the bike, I like the style and I think it’s really well done. My only complaint is the bars, I’m not a fan of flat bars and I think either a set of clubmans, or a set of low rise scrambler bars would make this bike much better. This looks like it’s been taken down

We should all care less about what people in Beverly Hills do and enjoy whatever we want.

Not really an off-road person so I’d have to give this CP at that price. For like three grand I could become an off-road person though.

Tomorrow, the Rolls?

I’m rocking a 2001 Land Cruiser using the “you must keep it for at least 15 years” version of your game!!! :)