
Not working here, e becomes Y, a become q, etc



@Jay: First i read the title i was OMGWTFBBQ, then i read it was found in California, Earth, then i was like OMG, now i am almost oh

Ill never go back to this piece of crapware filled animal defecation.

OMG 5 is not a photo? OMGOMGOMG

@YogsamSC: Gamebryo is pretty much dead, I read it somewhere. Sorry for not having a sauce

@Icemael: they should make run backwards slower thar foward then done, also NOOO dont make world smaller. A crowded small world is unrealistic

People this wont be gamebryo thi will have ID TECH 5 MAN!!

Shit i never ended the game, too overwhelmed by mods DAMN IT!!!!

Nice done them all 2.9 GB now yay!

Steam should BF

Singularity, I played that like on medium, super easy

I never played a Tony in the newer gen, N64 was awesome, PS2 regular, now total shit

@m355ymarv1n: ffap, LOL... About the rest me likes

@mawin: You also said we don't needed cellphones to increase productivity or keyboards to typing, and maybe using cars to get to places faster am i right? You should stop being so oldfashioned

This is awesome though it pisses me off when i click a link and go to BR one, i have a bookmark of the US version.