
can it climb some ramps?

I vowed to every news involving AUS i would express my disgust of the countries rules and laws. The people not in guvment are great though

NONE!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA, i live in Brazil, and contrary to what people think only criminals can carry guns. And even if you can get them legally, they are expensive as hell.

Replace the hard drive, its not like ti would make a difference

What about force?

They should have asked gamers, stupid fucks

This looks like some random space gayness

@Rob: If its plastic it sucks, but if it has some metal in it, i would get it

Companies own Australia, that is all

Hey man too much bad news here!

Oh my... cherish the countries that carry the death penalty, though he shouldn't get off that easily, death is not enough to him

Do they get discount for computers with no screen? It would be cheaper and lighter

Is this survey conducted only on the US, because the african american label only has a some meaning there, but still is lame. Geez, start calling me European American now, or else!

@mmomjian: Eletronics and some wits

"So if used game buyers are upset they don't get the online feature set I don't really have much sympathy for them".

@zackfair: Wait except Natalie Portman i WUV her

@zackfair: love is a strong word to anything related to the prequeals