
maybe then we can finally see some boobage, even if in pieces...... /sarcasm

OMG people thats solely meant to hide porn, what the hell is all the discussion about


@Snow leopard: I skipped the read just to see comments about WTF master chief in ME2, then i read your comments and was like.... aw, no Master chief

Well that is expected for a shoddy console port

@Benguin: That me me ROLF since i feel the same way, the only thing i actually do with them is unplug and plug, after that i quit

Awesome this will be by new x360

@lad-x: recently? This guy won an oscar but has ever been in the worst movies ever! Lets hope POP is not one

@velazkid: A i7 920, my rig is very balanced, i get awesome performance in many games, but crysis is not one, and i dont think that graph up there is in enthusiast settings

@Ironfungus: Thats enormously douchebag behavior.

I love the face of the guy enjoying the audio book, I fell so happy for him

I will just to make s statement and seed my ass of the copy

Activision should get sued their asses off and go bankupt then we would get rid of the most annoying franchises ever. Though Blizzard should be bought again to remain alive.

@Horusz: If you don't understand this card is obviously not designed with you in mind

I have a 5970 with the same clocks though less memory, and i can't run crysis like i wanted to, i get 25-40 FPS in 1920*1200 enthusiast 2xAA

Guess what it's not enough you bastards, completely remove online play you idiots