
Sure attention whore, and i dont eve like WOW, but i would still hit the hell out of that

Take that IW/Activision

Corsair 800D

They just dont care because games are not developed here, but with the amount of taxes games generate to the "lion" (thats how the irs is called) I would think they wouldn't be that stupid, but then again this never have and never will be true. Im just glad steam is around.

@azr: OMG thats her boobies? I like, i mean really

OMG santa is not real? WTF where does all my stuff come from?

Awesome AVP FTW will definatly buy this gem now

Microsoft seem to have liked starting beta programs with they flagship software.

I get really impressed by that, a great, inexpensive game, with lots of community indicated updates. That has the most content within MP games, take a hint InfinityWard?

Haha, congrats John, you always had lots of support from PC community as well from fans, way to go losing both in one stupid half assed decision #idsoftware

@norcalsniper: I sure would i only played the sp in the 360 and got about 430 points

Thats ancient

That doesnt affect me, since i read reviews of items prior to buying

Stupid and useless, japanese porn is bad, since all the action gets blurred out

This is one of the best software EVER featured in lifehacker, i´ve, since the beggining of the ages, been looking for somethin like this. Truly awesome, a masterpiece

VOTE: Acrobat Reader 9.1 (not 9.0)

OMG worthless calc, doesnt have i7 neither newer video cards, this is useful 3 years ago maybe
