
Forgive me for not reading the book, but I really disagree with that doom-and-gloom notion. Please do inform of what is meant by “feasible,” though, because either that means “impractical” or “practical, but not likely to be implemented.”

Inequality is always going to exist, in some form. I can’t think of any society where everyone was truly on the same level. What we should be focusing on is muting the impacts of that inequality, removing some of the systemic biases that influence inequality, and providing clearer avenues to class mobility.

Would you rather make 30k a year and pay an effective tax rate of 10% or make 60k a year and pay an effective tax rate of 15%? Obviously you would rather have the 27k instead of the 51k because who wants to pay more in taxes, amirite?

If you include one more fallacious argument in your post I think you get a gift certificate for free curly fries at Arby’s.

Yeah but if you set a man on fire it will keep him warm for the rest of his life.

Yes. I’m nowhere near the poverty line, but a sudden $5k infusion would be an absolute godsend.

Except it’s literally not. It’s exchanged as bits and bytes and never becomes physical capital. It is traded on high volume deals in a world in which we have no access. It makes no couches, buys no food. It’s taking the concept of fiat currency to the ultimate end-goal: an agreed upon series of numbers that only the

I pretty much agree with what HamNo wants, but continue to disagree with his pitch of how to achieve it. Trying to make a moral argument, as we just saw in November, does not work!

I love the idea that if we tax billionaires we will lose their largesse. We would cut off the pearls that dribble from their lips down upon us mere mortals. Wither the art museums? Wither the ice rinks?

Seriously, can any of you even imagine a world in which poor people got to eat but we didn’t have Vanderbilt university? Then who would come in last in the SEC?

yup, Peyton’s not a cry baby or anything:

oh noes an athlete had a normal human reaction to a heartbreaking loss

nothin’ classier than slapping women with yer dick and shipping HGH to your wife, is there

How many times? I think at least 5 copies are necessary.

No, and you stop thinking about that right now!

It would be pretty amazing if it was Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum in there.