
Disregard. I should not be commenting at 3am.

That's extremely pretentious of you. Just because somebody has already done the legwork for you doesn't mean it's easy. Someone told you exactly how to do this and you just followed their lead. You didn't actually find out how to prove this on your own. Sorry.

Keep doin' what you're doin, bro. Everything ends up way better than expected.

Little insecure are we? Protip: no one cares what your junk looks like... in fact... they go out of their way to avoid looking at it.

If you just want to flush mount a GPS unit, why not just make a bracket that will hold it inside of that little cubbyhole, and make a real simple fiberglass cover that you can paint to match the trim. Seems like fiberglass might be the easier route to go, unless you're just into the idea of being able to pop it in and

Well, excuse me for trying to have a conversation. Jerk.

Not at all. I'm saying it's better than regular dictionary words. That's all.

You seem ignorant to how passwords are cracked. You should look into the significance of wordlists and thing of that nature. Then tell me come back and tell us about how useless this is.

I don't remember the last time I opened a beer without shooting the cap well across the room/into the sky. Sure it makes a mess... but man it's fun.


Didn't even think about the impending root rot. Excellent point.

I Ken Levick my own balls, thank you very much.

While I've used this tool many, many times for various applications... I should say that it's important to be careful with it. I'm sure that this warning is tucked away in the article somewhere... but you don't want to accidentally the whole thing by deleting things you need.

It's only gross if your bed is gross. Have you not changed your sheets lately?

But the only root system that actually makes to it to the glass is going to be effected, right? This might be a good thing otherwise the plant would choke itself out in the jar, no?

You're not going to damage the ECU you by doing any of these things. However, turning of traction control, and a lot of these other "hacks" can make a certain crowd think "OH SWEET, I CAN DO BURNOUTS IN MY DAD'S CAR NOW!" I mean... even I would be tempted to stare at my backup cam as I'm going down the road. The

I bet all of your towels look horrid and that you're a dirty, unsanitary person.

Hundreds of mechanics just killed themselves. Thanks, Lifehacker.

What do you have to regret? Your safety was in danger and you mitigated the threat. Good for you. Is hurting other living things fun? Not at all. Is it a necessity every once and again? Of course.

LOL. Definitely isn't supported. Way to go, Whitson!