I kind of think Dan just wanted to broadcast the fact that NY is advocating the use of glory holes these days.
I kind of think Dan just wanted to broadcast the fact that NY is advocating the use of glory holes these days.
It’s sort of gaslighting if he’s telling his girlfriend that he’s not attracted to the other woman, while still soliciting nudes and sexting. It’s not clear from the letter how much he’s encouraging the other woman, but it doesn’t sound like he’s tried to shut it down.
I feel like “pull my finger” is an Uncle joke more than a dad joke, along with finding a quarter behind your “dirty” ear.
I don’t know if you’ve seen the special, but “I have autism” is how Gadsby phrases it several times. It was kind of jarring for me to hear, since I’ve become more used to the language you describe. Not sure whether it’s an Australian thing, or her personal preference.
“Avatar Day” is worse than “The Great Divide”, on this I will not budge.
A lot of what I’ve seen seems to be that people don’t want to “spec” at all - they just want a stealth/assassination game.
The Homestead storyline of AC3 is one of my favourite arcs in the series, and it’s almost completely optional. It really gave me a reason to care about Connor as a person, despite not being particularly interested in his daddy issues or the American Revolution stuff.
That was my first thought also, though I’m having some difficulty rephrasing it in a way that’s concise and also conveys all the relevant information.
That kind of thing is adorable, like when she hasn’t seen John Wick but knows that they did SOMETHING to a puppy.
I think my school did one for Y2k but I’ve never heard anything about it since.
Adele Dazeem.
What about some variants?
Must have been autocorrect, or else a copy-editing error; that’s not a mistake anyone who’s read the books would make.
Fast and Furriest?
Yeah, I worry too that if/when LW does experience attraction towards a third party, they’re going to interpret that as meaning they’ve fallen out of love with their partner, feel guilty and break up. Lots to work through, there.
He knows how to stage-brawl, anyway. I imagine that’s enough, though it’s hard to imagine rebooting this show and not doing a couple of roundhouse kicks. ( Padalecki’s foot would go six inches over the average person’s head, anyway )
I got past the headline and the first two paragraphs before I realized I was seeing “comprise” and not “compromise”. Brains are weird.
I see someone hasn’t seen the New Revised Updated Special Edition of RotJ.
I always think Bill Hader is older than he actually is. He’s unusual in Hollywood, that way.