“Beauty and the Beast” was arguably the worst, but none of them are particularly memorable.
“Beauty and the Beast” was arguably the worst, but none of them are particularly memorable.
Tim Horton’s, the most prolific coffee shop chain in Canada, calls them Timbits. They’re so ubiquitous that pretty much anywhere else that sells them uses a variation on that name (like “Coffee Bits”) rather than doughnut holes.
I saw him live last year. He was trying out new material in preparation for this special, and every time a joke didn’t perform he conspicuously made a note of it which was pretty funny.
I biked to work for the first time this morning, so this was useful to see first thing :)
It seems like the powers that be tend to over-estimate how racist audiences are. I remember reading about the history of Blade, and how at every turn the producers expected it to fail, but audiences kept watching and enjoying it.
I don’t know about international audiences, but she’s definitely more famous among the people I know than either of the other two.
I read this on CBC the other day, and while the McDonald’s workers clearly screwed up, this person sounds like a bit of a nightmare customer.
That makes a lot of sense if you’re using ketchup or other wet condiments - it can soak through a slice of bread, but probably not through the crust.
They’re not ‘articles,’ they’re individual episode reviews. Whether it’s necessary to review every episode of a Netflix show may be up for debate, but it’s how AVC has done it for a while now. (They previously experimented with one or two a week, but found later episodes didn’t get any attention because they were…
What makes this a ‘reboot’ rather than a sequel?
It never really found its groove until the retooling, to be honest. The last couple of episodes have showed promise, but I guess it was too late.
I got secondhand embarrassment just reading that letter.
I feel like that’s only a danger if you’re using soap as well as water, but I’m not a doctor...
Yeah, being tall is actually worse for you than being fat.
I don’t care about spoilers, for myself, but it might be worth clarifying in the opening paragraphs that adults who’ve seen Clone Wars and/or Rebels won’t need this explainer.
Is his dad played by Chris Hemsworth?
Heh, I probably should have just deleted it when I realized embedding wasn’t going to work.
Yeah, it seems like Sam hasn’t seen Ragnarok at all, which is bonkers.