
IIRC he got married and moved to a new house, which took up a lot more of his time than he expected. He had a blog post or interview about it recently.

Not really; nothing concrete. It gives a lot of insight into her day-to-day life but it doesn’t give more than hints as to who she is or where she came from (assuming there’s more to her than we’ve been told, which may not be the case).

“Don’t play that game. Just fucking invite her and announce it, right now, in public. You can save the surprises for when the rest of NSYNC drops out of a helicopter.”

I don’t think I’ve listened to the radio in the last two days and *not* heard a Hip song. One station played a full hour of Tragically Hip yesterday, from 5-6. How many bands have an hour’s worth of hits?

I do know the one, I used to listen to it on repeat all summer!

I can imagine people knowing she hid from Nazis but not that she was caught or how she died.

Yeah, I think I agree. It would be different if it was, like “sexy Anne Frank”; even an adult Anne Frank costume might be tasteless but if a little kid learns about Anne Frank and wants to dress up as her, I don’t think that’s disrespectful.

Off topic, but that guy looks exactly like a combination of Elijah Wood and Akiva Schaffer.

I first thought this was about Harvey Fierstein, which would have been a different story...

Is Midge on the show? I haven’t seen Riverdale, but in the comics Midge was definitely the girl I had the biggest crush on.

This is how I cope with scary movies, which is why I only watch them with people who also like to talk during movies (which includes my wife, thankfully).

Yeah, presumably in this scenario you’ve offered them the option of just not watching with you.

My guess would be that clutching a big pillow feels like clinging to a parental figure as a child.

Do you know how “how-to” articles work?

Perhaps you’d prefer Vick’s VapoRub?

They put a sponsored video between the two paragraphs and hoped no-one would notice.

I love Walk Off the Earth! I had no idea that was them in the episode.

I saw part of the original movie on TV in a hotel once, when I was much too young to be watching that kind of movie. I had no idea what was going on, but I was pretty freaked out.

So much of what makes Pratchett great is the narrator’s voice; I can’t help feeling that too much would be lost in a screen adaptation.

Fantastic Mr Fox was my favourite book when I was a kid. I still haven’t seen the movie, but I probably should...