Doucho Baggins

Please, please, please tell me where that quote came from…

Ugh, how did we end up with him on our team anyway? Can't we trade him for cash considerations and a comedian to be named later?

I remember an episode where Spidey made his escape by spinning a boat, complete with outboard motor, from his web shooters. And yes, he yanked on the starter cord and vroomed away. Amazing indeed!

It's especially jarring because IRL young Sean Bean was matinee-idol level handsome. This guy looks like he should be tormenting someone on Draco Malfoy 's orders.

Of all the questions left unanswered at the end of this season, my biggest is this:
Why did they cast Young Ned Stark to look like the lovechild of Quentin Tarantino and Doogie Howser?

I miss pulp! Is anyone else dying for some low stakes fantasy films? Something like Jeremiah Johnson, but with elves and shit? Keep the Chosen One on the margins, while following our protagonist around watching them try to survive? Or is it just me?
*sigh* It's always just me.

It was the quotation marks that got me. Like, not only was that his ultra enlightened thought process, but that was a verbatim mental quote ripped right from his pre-teen mind.

I re-watched this last year and was shocked how slow it seemed in comparison to current movies. Not complaining- its still one of my faves, and the awesome score is a big reason. One of my growing pet peeves is how all Fantasy since LotR has the same generic soundtrack.

Not to mention how educated he was about STDs at that age…

For years I misremembered Sean Penn as playing that guy. My apologies to David Patrick Kelly.
Edit: I rescind my apology, he was in K-PAX also. Fuck that movie.

I remember devouring those as well - E.R. Borroughs and A.C. Doyle too. There was a finite amount of shelf space in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy section of Waldenbooks at the mall in the 80's…Remember, this was before The Great Nerd Victory of the new century. Back then, a resourceful teen had to work backwards after

I am eternally grateful to whatever saintly editor included the short story "Harrison Bergeron" in our Freshman English text book, blowing my fragile little 15 yr old mind. I was super stoked to give my 15 yr old daughter a copy of "Welcome to the Monkey House" last year, and ever more stoked when she loved it. KV

Its so disappointing when writers/showrunners change the rules like that. To their credit, they established a consistent chain of consequences to the onscreen action of the earlier seasons. But it makes it even more jarring to have your suspension of disbelief ripped from you like that scene did. And after ripping