or the hundred thousand or so that are in jail already making the government money while incarcerated... It’s amazing how they go after the moms and all that but leave the real criminals because that makes the states money each day.
or the hundred thousand or so that are in jail already making the government money while incarcerated... It’s amazing how they go after the moms and all that but leave the real criminals because that makes the states money each day.
the only reason i clicked on the article was cause of the pasties lol.
Joe is soooo damn annoying. I agree it’s so bad when he constantly interrupts and yells over mika. I have to constantly yell at the TV saying god just stop joe. So glad this week he’s been on satellite and mika has been able to keep him shut down throughout alot of the show. It’s funny how they used to wear PJs…
yall keep saying look the part, but in the movie and tv shows, the major might have a japanese name, but she’s the whitest woman’s body in japan on the shows.... it’s a robot body that she can go in and out of and be any body she wants, so why is everyone throwing a fit about this?
for a group of people that always call liberals snow flakes and crap for complaining, what the hell is trump when all that comes out of his mouth is whining and complaining and being a little pussy? Seriously i don’t see how the right gets away with the snowflake comments when both trump and spicer are the ones most…
only in two states is he investigating... My bet is California and New york since those two probably swung the most for hillary and gave her the biggest numbers, so of course he’s going to go after them and magically even though the agencies will find nothing, he will say “HIS” investigators found something and will…
what’s amazing is when you blow up the pic to full size, it still shows the huge swaths of white in the back, just less of it to see because of the angle the camera was at. Still shows the same exact numbers, the first two sections had stuff, then the back ones completely white. So why is trump still going on with it…
I love that when you look at the blown up pic of it, it’s just the first two sections and you can still clearly see the big white patches in the background. It’s decieving, just like our president.....
honestly last week i made a petition for trump to show his tax returns, the next day I go and check it and it said that the website was archived and now snapshot of Obama’s presidency. Then it came back today. I think it was a mistake and that’s why it’s so messed up today is because it’s not supposed to really be…
Make sure everyone goes and signs the petition at whitehouse.gov for trump to release his full tax returns and lets get to 100,000 so he has to respond and tell all of us normal people that want to see it that we really don’t want to see it like he always does.
Does he add an H at the end of trump or something? trying to figure out how a p ends up with a tall letter like that at the end. Does he even know how to spell his own name? Love the klan hooded D though.. that says KLASS!!!!
I would say we need to go to the petitions website on whitehouse.gov and sign the petition I set up yesterday to get a response out of Trump to release his tax returns by saying that we the people not the media want access to his taxes and get the 100k sigs real quick, but wouldn’t you know, worked yesterday, and…
If this is the way they keep maintenance up on their stuff then I’d love to see them shoot some of those off and watch them blow up in their silos from no maintenance done on them over the years... They might say they have an arsenal, but if they are all still the 60's and 70's missles then you can bet alot of them…
He owns a tie company but yet doesn’t have a spare tie anywhere? That is just sooo sooo freaking stupid that he has to tape up his tie when he should have dozens with him....
it matters that it gives fuel for the left to say, you said Hillary was crooked for pay to play, but you are doing it on a grand scale by appointing him and will be put under the microscope the entire time.
If she said that it was a stomach virus then why exactly would she put in the the book in a way that made it clearly seem like the guy that was driving her was out to poison her. If she wrote it in a way that said she got a stomach bug that day it wouldn’t of been a whole paragraph of talking about how he kept…
You could of called it like i did last episode when ford mysteriously popped up right next to benard in the family house, or the multiple times he has just shown up right next to benard and no one noticed. That might be a key going forward to look for.