Just think, if the new Camry looks more exciting, the next WRX might look more exciting too!
Just think, if the new Camry looks more exciting, the next WRX might look more exciting too!
Charlotte has heavy fog, BTW. Intermittent delays causing a chain reaction throughout the day, but since the sun has come up things seem to be moving. Planes are still landing.
Good luck trying to get anywhere at all, in America, today.
New York's major international airport is supposed to re-open at 11:30 AM. In case you're already in the air though, and you're wondering why you'll be circling for the next few hours while you land in Pittsburgh and you hate your life, not that this has ever happened to me or anything while desperately trying to get…
You're not weird. I'd take a 70-series LandCruiser. (EDIT: Let's see if the picture ever shows up...)
marshknute starts with a geography lesson and thinks the great people of Pittsburgh should start believing in snow enought to buy winter tires:
Flash was great when it came out. No arguments about that here. I remember how awesome it was to throw a few keyframes into the timeline and watch the computer figure out the in-between stuff— it was magic.
Back when Flash came out, it was great. Then, it was used to encode video... and that was fine, because video codecs were mostly designed for quality in an age where bandwidth was limited. MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 are good examples of this; they give you good quality, but produce relatively large files. A two-hour…
Wouldn't a trained traffic cop become someone who knows what they're doing to fight terrorism?
Oh, that they certainly do. (Although it's the immobilizer that really does the job more than the key; the current RFID based systems are actually pretty good, but we're replacing direct contact with something that can be triggered from 30m away!)
If that means Mercedes stops selling their stupid turn signal stalks to Tesla, I'd be all for this.
Your key fob would get bigger, more expensive, and the battery would still die.
Most proximity keys rely on weak and broken encryption due to processing constraints in the key fob (people don't like their batteries dying more than ever, and this isn't a big problem... yet...). You just change the method by which your stuff is stolen when using a wireless key.
He may not be getting the deposit back, but at least he won't have to wait in line to return it.
Two immediately come to mind. The first is Kim Jong-il's limo. What's weirder than a '70s American-made limo carrying the dictator-leader of North Korea to his final resting place?
Who's in first?
At least the clock was right twice a day.
Project Satan created the most evil car ever.
I guess all the passengers collectively paid for the "crosswind landing" option in-flight upgrade.