
@KBlack: Wow. Misinformed people just can't quit complaining.

I don't understand the rants about unistrap bags being made for metrosexual men.

The Habs' first preseason game and now this...

I can't help but giggle at everything I write!

@cormack: Bad vocabulary doesn't prove anything either.

@jessehayes: You had to what? Copy and paste what I said? Why don't you read what's beneath the image?

@jessehayes: I'm pretty sure he was aware of that.

@EV42TMAN: Recharging a touchscreen watch that plays music? Don't mind if i do!

@mykalt45: Get Space Miner: Space Ore Bust. I was never a fan of Asteroids-styled games but trust me on this one, you won't put your phone down.

Space Miner: Space Ore Bust should be Game Center compatible.

Or the Al Pacino twins.

Call one me when I can control my brain with my iPhone.

@musicmonkey34: When I run I wear a sweatshirt... It makes me sweat more.

I like Sam Spratt's art.

That could've been much funnier.

@DrewCSchultz: Although I do love my iPad, it is currently rendered almost useless until I start school again.