F Stop

Ok, a little bit too much detail here. Psycho.

The problem with your argument is that it is a much easier to kill a lot if people in a short period of time with a gun than with a knife.

Slash in Locomotive

I'm pretty sure it was Keith. Mick Taylor didn't join until Let it Bleed.

Those guys are amazing.

"as I am generally unable to hear guitar solos as anything but pointless technical virtuosity and the vestigial tail of cock-rock self-satisfaction".

I was ten when it came out. I remember hearing about it in the summer walking under a massive starlit sky in north Ontario, and feeling that sense of smallness and wonder you can get from the stars. Then my dad drove me and my sister to a cinema in Michigan when it came out. He got lost on the way so we were a few

Allman joys got nuts.

Can we retire "dad rock" please? It's lazy writing.

His sixties stuff is v good

That book is so hilarious. Highly recommend it.

They are better. Unless you like a giant bun/doughnut

I have been having that dream on and off for decades. The sense of despair and panic is so real and I'm always delighted to wake up

Yes. Except in coffee. I used to guzzle milk from the bag as a kid (when no one was looking) but have now completely lost my taste for it. Only drink, water, coffee, tea and alcohol.

My go to album was Wish You Were Here. But when I played it for my wife, during the act, and during some of the funkier instrumental bits, she was like "what is this, porn music?"

Karen Koh is my friend. Funny to see her quoted here.

In London this week so gin tonic, and some good English ale pulled in a pub called the Magpie-Landlords Ale. V good.


plus the neighbours complain about the noises above

No way. I plan on living alot longer than 80, still skiing and doing other fun stuff. 80!