F Stop

You can say that but it doesnt make it true. Its not my experience, nor the experience of anyone I know. What you call social programming many would call culture. Having said that, to each his own.

"a person who has saved himself/herself a great deal of anguish by escaping from a degrading arrangement that is typically characterised by dangerous delusion and deep despair."—speak for yourself.

I love giant ice cubes. They look nice, and don't melt as quickly as lots of little ones.

I love reading those. Someone compiled a list of comments on "Night Moves" and made it into a book.

That's so funny. I remember there was a TV show, or something, where this guy was getting into celeb events by posing as a non existent Baldwin brother, "I'm the other Baldwin"—"Oh,, OK,".

Yeah he rambled on a bit at the beginning but you got him back on track. Great interview and some great stories which I'm sure have never appeared anywhere before in print which i suppose is the point.

Have yourself a negroni. equal measures gin, campari and sweet vermouth

Also Lady Grinning Soul and Time. And the Prettiest Star.

Swimming is a great alternative to running. Despite the fact that you can talk to people while you are actually swimming, if you can find a masters group to join its actually pretty social, between the sets and also if you grab breakfast/dinner afterwards.

I'm sure someone with more time on their hands than me could refute each of these shadowy allegations after some quick google searches. I tend to think that with the amount of scrutiny she has been under for the past 25 years, if there was material actionable evidence that she had broken any laws, she would have been

Everybody's situation is different. Question is not "is twice a week so hard to manage for two people with mutual attraction", but rather, "is a frequency which keeps both people happy so hard to manage for two people with mutual attraction"—-hopefully, it is not.

I had a friend whose advice on appearing and ultimately being confident was something like "just puff yourself up like a big balloon and float on in there!". It always made me smile and consequently relax.

Prepare for the interview by researching the company and the position. If your problem is that you get nervous, you can alleviate this somewhat by knowing that you have done your homework. Think up a few interesting questions that you can ask about the role. Prepare a few examples that show why you are the right

That Shrek story is true. However, I think that Scottish accent made the movie. Having those kinds of diva-like calls actually pay off for him I suppose contributed considerably to the caustic confidence that caused the crushing collapse of his career. Clearly.

Well, you don't need a million dollars to do nothing, man. Take a look at my cousin: he's broke, don't do shit.

So you must be a Jay S. fan? Bummer they couldnt make it past Cleveland.

I'm Paul Fistinyerface!

We were in Martha's Vineyard where it was filmed a much of years ago with another family and the kids were begging us to let them watch Jaws. They were aged 7-11 at the time. We were sure they would be terrified but eventually gave in. Surprisingly, they were not terrified at all and i) laughed during the opening

yes. i think to have any continuity of the self, you need to preserve at least the brain, like in a dish. Or the whole body, like in the Matrix. On the other hand, this is fiction, and a clever writer ought to be able to get around it. but i don't see how…

I can see your point. So from the perspective of a person who meets the new "server clone" version of someone who has died, they would not notice any difference, to the extent that it is a perfect copy. But the person who has died has ceased to exist, being replaced, as it were, by this new clone.